Recent content by chewysplace

  1. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    thank you.
  2. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    Chris: from teh PM he gave me there was no clear reason why. he may have showed you but he shurely didnt show me. and again you said trolling. thats has a very broad meaning. if you wish to still discus this just PM me instead of posting it here.
  3. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    that i do. only because you were specific enough unlike most posters. however the argument you dont know about also affects why you dont understand my post. but one of the moderators does know about it. and if he feels like telling then so be it. Gabe you still owe me.
  4. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    Rico: your arguing with me right now. take your own advice for once. and if you dont want to be in the conversation the dont reply.
  5. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    dont even start with me. you did nothing to defend your views well.
  6. chewysplace

    What sets HL2 apart from all else...

    Fenric: no they are incapable of understanding them.
  7. chewysplace

    What sets HL2 apart from all else...

    yeah but the average consumer doesnt know what either you 2 know. Fenric and Crhis. but it is their fault for not knowing i say.
  8. chewysplace

    What sets HL2 apart from all else...

    you miss the point. they advertise these amazing grafix. but what they dont tell the average joe who buys it is that he'll need a grafix card upgrade. that was the point.
  9. chewysplace

    What sets HL2 apart from all else...

    H-52: the thing is they cant wait. hence they post.
  10. chewysplace

    What sets HL2 apart from all else...

    not much is gona set it apart. you can compare it to several other "alien invasion" style games. AlienvsPred, Halo, etc. only this will have pretty grafix that a majority of people wont be able to run.
  11. chewysplace

    Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

    yeah you warned me about 6 hours after the fact. 6 hours after i had stoped posting. good call.
  12. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    i didnt get passed much of what he said. sounded like he didnt read the posts so i ignored it.
  13. chewysplace

    Valve confusing us

    wasnt a matter of re-installing, it was a matter of our accounts being screwd.
  14. chewysplace

    you like VALVe better when they are

    how about reading all the posts then posting a reply.
  15. chewysplace

    Amazing new footage all must see!!!!

    sad to say metallica didnt make the sound track. cause if they did the game might not sell as well with Napster users today.