Recent content by CommieX

  1. C

    The Battle Grounds Update

    I think the BG models and animations look bad even for a HL1 modification, but that doesn't stop it from being a really fun mod.
  2. C

    If the videos aren't illegal...

    I'm not sure what videos you are talking about, but try Xvid.
  3. C

    Half Life2 Beta Leak Poll

    First of all, the damage has already been done. I doubt anyone that gets the beta will not buy the game. Downloading music isn't much different, don't act like it is justified just because everyone does it. Secondly, stop acting self-righteous. You aren't going to last a year; I know...
  4. C

    So let me get this straight

    I know how you feel, buddy. People just can't accept things when they don't want them to be true. Everyone called me stupid ;( Well who's stupid now? :afro:
  5. C


    I DO have the right to criticize Valve. God bless America!
  6. C

    New screenshot?

    No, and that's mainly why I don't think this is fake.
  7. C

    New screenshot?

    Maybe I'm just gullible, but this shot looks real to me. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but there are no high res shots/vids of the RPG in action, and that is obviously high res. Also, if someone did have the bink buggy video...
  8. C

    Half-Life 2 Demo

    What are you talking about?? It looks great. Did you see that huge rotating thing in the water? Awesome!
  9. C

    Half-Life 2 Demo

    Where's the video?
  10. C

    I need the assistance of the community

    Wow, that sucks. It also sucks when a game developer misleads their fans and gives false information. :o
  11. C


    Well, if you're bored and waiting for HL2, you should give Kanonball a try. It's a great mod and I've been following it for a while; I don't know why no one plays it. There is an official server set up on Steam and every once in a while enough people join for a good game. For those of you...
  12. C

    HL design process post-mortem

    Captain Murphy is dead. ;(
  13. C

    Holograms A Reality!!! TV like never before!!!

    Why the hell would anyone buy that? It's just projecting light through fog, so you get far worse image quality at many times the price.
  14. C

    Whats with the "In Stores"

    Are you really that clueless? The game is delayed, accept it and move on. Half-life 2 won't be released next week in any form, and probably won't be available any time in October.
  15. C

    Half-Life 2 tips and tricks mean get A tan? Or better yet get some sun?