Recent content by duckmoose

  1. duckmoose

    Battlegrounds 2 - 0.16b release

    It's fun, but "authentic"? That has to be a joke.
  2. duckmoose

    fps counter troubles

    I'm sure many of you have downloaded the Half-Life 2 OC Bench Tools. Well after having those for some time, recently the fps counter that appears while running the Half-Life 2 benchmarks has been appearing in any Half-Life 2 program I run, period, even if it's a mod. It's starting to become...
  3. duckmoose

    Quick, Somebody Help!

    It was going to be projected but it turned out we needed to play it on a TV and it looked fine. The people in my class went crazy over it (many of whom are computer-game-illiterate so they hadn't really seen anything like it before). Thanks, Gabe! Half-Life 2 gave me a good grade!
  4. duckmoose

    Quick, Somebody Help!

    In a video for a group school project (which includes some Half-Life 2 footage taken via the trail version of FRAPS) I have encountered a problem. I have put together the video using Windows Move Maker. However, when I go to save to movie file, my highest options are 640x480 (PAL) and 720x480...
  5. duckmoose

    Some things I noticed while playing "Black Mesa East"

    The one in the beginning doesn't have a motor. It's not ub3r.
  6. duckmoose

    Easter Egg Directions

    @DESSTROYER Wow, that's really cool! But yeah, you can listen to the all-knowing vortigaunt at the resistance checkpoint where you get your airboat upgraded, at that easter egg, and in Colonel Cubbage's basement. But he's easiest to listen to at the easter egg place and he's eating headcrabs!
  7. duckmoose

    How to Make the Game as Fun as 1st Time

    Oh yeah, and about the mouse nodding thing... when REAL people nod, they don't shift their eyes up and down. Their eyes stay on one point, but their head moves. So I don't know how that aids immersion, but what the hell.
  8. duckmoose

    How to Make the Game as Fun as 1st Time

    "Hasn't that old bender been giving you a hard time? Wish you had never entered the field of manual textile labor? Can't find a condom to suit you and your partner? Then order a box of new, Half-Life 2-themed Crowbar Condoms!" *shudder* :x
  9. duckmoose

    Favorite Character(not including Dog)

    WTF? I still don't know why all you prepubes think Alyx is hot! In fact, she has the LEAST character and personality of any of the characters in the whole game! I would say it's a tie between Eli Vance (extremely lifelike) and the G-Man (ub3r 1337).
  10. duckmoose

    The Secret Half Life 2 Devleoper Reducing Weapon!

    What he's saying is that he's so angry about the omitted features that he wishes there were a weapon intended for reducing developers to steaming ash!
  11. duckmoose

    Are the trailers decieving me?

    Where would one get more footage of the Hydra than the end of that Bink video where it spears the combine soldier?
  12. duckmoose

    Anyone else completed HL2

    You people take 20-23 hours to beat the game? Holy crap. I'd say it took me 12-15 hours the first go-around. But that was on medium difficulty. Nonetheless, I don't see how hard could add 5-9 more hours.
  13. duckmoose

    Antlion Troopers

    Sorry if someone has already mentioned this but it's late and I'm ready to hit the sack. Check out this AWESOME HL2 singleplayer map. It's kept ME occupied. Fun stuff. Here's the link:
  14. duckmoose

    Half-life 2 Benchmark 1.3 - Post results here!

    Wow, those x800s really do the trick on HL2!
  15. duckmoose

    Half-life 2 Benchmark 1.3 - Post results here!

    I thought this thread deserved a resurrection. It didn't go far enough and I'd like to see more scores!