Recent content by eram

  1. eram

    aciD "and moderator of Steam and Help and Support Desk sub-forums" congrats! lololol..

    aciD "and moderator of Steam and Help and Support Desk sub-forums" congrats! lololol..
  2. eram

    Left 4 Dead announced - Valve does zombies!

    Finally a VALVe/TRS Co-op game on Steam!! I'm very excited right now. :D
  3. eram

    The VAC Attack

    yup, no new VAC proof cheats out yet seeing as VAC for source has no cheat detection logic.... I'm quite sure the VAC team know about all the current cheats being used online right now and will pwn those guys right from day 1 :) Well Mani and the other admin mod Beetles mod both have some...
  4. eram

    The VAC Attack

    VAC for Source has no cheat detection logic yet,All VAC servers on Source are being tested for connectivity only and nothing else.. Sorry..
  5. eram

    If Aztec is Released, Today is the Perfect Day

    So far the game has not been a beta.What did we test? it takes at least 2 maps to fully beta this game.. DE_Aztec or a de map with Water. And Any CS map to test the hostages.(kinda a important this 1) I expect bad Hostage AI for the 1.0 version of CS-Source seeing as its never been tested...
  6. eram

    The speedhack is already out

    cheats i've seen in the beta so far: Speedhack Wallhack Aimbot (beta cs-source has no VAC but this is not good news) :(
  7. eram

    -=UK Crew for Source Match=-

    Do you have a server to meet on yet.. These 2 are based in London (Ping will be Low for anyone in the UK) CS Source Beta Servers Server #1: Server #2:
  8. eram

    Low/Medium/High/UltraHigh-CS:Source Settings

    2400xp @2ghz cpu 1gb DDR 2700 ram Ti4600 gfx No idea...?
  9. eram

    Whos staying up till 3?

    i have 2 great CS-Source Dedicated server ip's that Will run from this Evening (Based in London UK).. anyone from the UK thats still awake tonight and want low pings try CS Source Beta Servers Server #1: Server #2: :)
  10. eram

    Im playing CS:S tonight whether its get released or not.

    +visit and post on hl foums. what gets me is people say: i pay XX amount VALVe Owe's me somthing ETC VALVe is true value for money.For £7 you can get a copy of half life 1. that alone give you so much (all those great mods) Even if you got half life 1 on the day it came out,thats 5...
  11. eram

    Good News

    2am GMT ,thats 6pm PST, normal update time. Dont be surpised if we didnt see it until then...
  12. eram

    Mikepl CSS mCTdummy and mTdummy Logo pack LMAO
  13. eram

    Maps you want in CS: Source

    If only they had a Make Source button for maps...