Recent content by kaotik_stalker

  1. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    phew i thought that it had claimed him, oh well. i have something that might help, its a war of the worlds sound pack for half life 2 i just dl'ed it and i will take a look at what its got. ok it has some ambient street sounds and sounds for the strider but none sounded like the "aloooooooooh"...
  2. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    well substance seems to be [i hate to say it] dead! xdiesp must have gone to WoW a little early. im sure someone with his mod can tell me taturana's addie, i did heaps of stuff and i need him to help me with the rest.
  3. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    come on guys, i would really like his email adress, i need to ask him some questions, and i cant believe vavle f***ed up all third party mods [except gmod for some reason [knock on wood [can you do brackets in brackets in brackets?]]] well how is progress going on the mod? any new stuff?
  4. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    could some one please tell me taturana's email address, i need to ask him a few questions.
  5. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    and you do? well i am contributing. i'm getting these decals for xdiesp [if he wants them] and i have asked if there was anyguns i could convert. read the other pages first. and where on earth is xdiesp? i hope wow didnt claim his soul. i went to a friedns hosue and before we could do anytihng i...
  6. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    why are these forums so dead? also i have some more news, i managed to get the blood decals out of fear. so we have some cool decals. but im still trying to work out this green sqaure thing. even though i have the right alpha channels it still has green squares?
  7. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    bye bye edit button. i have some very good news. along with being able to make a blood mod from scratch i realized that i could never make as good of blood textres as game developers. then it hit me. jsut take theres! i managed to grab the blood from painkiller and put it into hl2 i will get you...
  8. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    no its not. they have a techniwue which takes the v_model and removes the hands/anims and its the same model jsut no hands or animations. and i hope i can afford ur pic!
  9. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    i dont know much about it but its supposed to be able to add in new weapons/features/npc,s etc. with out a heavy knowledge of coding and with out [i hope] visual studio. nad at least henkjan talked. i have converted an m4 patriot to source. i tihnk its perfect for substance. right know its just...
  10. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    when they release lua scripting in garrys mod it will be possible. edit: dam! why are these forums so dead? come on people. TALK!
  11. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    what substance models? there all v_models.
  12. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    no im just saying that i can convert a model from hl1 into hl2 as a v or w_model. besides i said anyone but inflame.
  13. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    bloody edit button. these forums are dead man. and i like these better than the other one because in these its basic chat from everyone. the other one is all categorized.
  14. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    ok i have done some more converting and heres what i have first off is one i think u will all like if u cant tell that is the dual p90's. here is another. its the ma5b from halo 1...
  15. K

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    sorry my browser screwed up