Recent content by Rygir

  1. Rygir

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    I'll put it this way : It responds slower on my P4 1.8Ghz than the old version on my PIII 600. It doesn't require the store front to pop up every time you want to play a game. In fact it doesn't require that storefront to even be loaded when you want to play a game. Or do you buy a new game...
  2. Rygir

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    cfr HL1 manual. I just loved taking them (game manuals, toy ads,...) with me everywhere I went (mind you I was a lot younger :p)... fantasizing(sp?) about the rest of the game is usually more thrilling than actually playing it, as I'm sure you know.
  3. Rygir

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    I don't know, my crystal ball is a bit foggy. The point is "Sooner or later" it WILL. Don't mind if I do. And I agree with you on the time consuming part. I don't really see how you can pick apart an opinion anyway, but I assume you mean giving another opinion that counters the first one...and...
  4. Rygir

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    I'm afraid you're missing my point; it's about the principle that IF you get banned, it's up to YOU to prove you weren't doing anything wrong. Which becomes a really big problem if you don't live near Gabe, or in the USA for that matter, because basically, all they have is your word that they...
  5. Rygir

    Is Your Attitude Towards Steam Positive or Negative?

    I admit, steam works "as advertised"... you can open it, buy a game, play it minutes later, everythings all fine. But let's take a closer look : The new steam got a big layout update, the bandwith monitor has been dumbed down, (instead of a nice overview of all relevant information you now get a...
  6. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    (temporary?) conclusion Response (BiancaL) 12/06/2004 08:56 AM sorry for the delay in re-enabling your account. it is now done and your updated information has been sent to the shipper. In your address originally you were missing the housenumber. Customer (Rygir ☺) 12/06/2004 07:05 AM...
  7. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    Ah, but you see, she had it on record that my items hadn't been sent yet (in the previous conversation, one of the references mentioned). I also believe that this will get sorted out, but what's taking so long? And I wonder what that Docter Gordon 3 stuff is doing in this thread :s it makes...
  8. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    I'm sorry. It was intended to be reminiscent of the steam palet. I.e. Steamy olive drab. If you are still willing to read, I suggest just copy pasting it into notepad or similar. if copied into a rich text editor such as wordpad, you'll even retain the colour coding, but will have a nice clean...
  9. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    No, nothing so far. I probably should add that I've posted this same story @ steam : Funny, a mod came by seconds after I posted and gave a reply that was intended to be helpfull, but sadly pointless after I...
  10. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    Oh comon, somebody has to have some idea of what I can do to get this over faster...
  11. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    technically, I don't think steam is at's the customer service that's "screwing me over" atm. They didn't lose it, she said I hadn't filled out my address completely (She was right, I forgot my housenumber, and have given it twice over the past two days now). But instead of giving...
  12. Rygir

    Battle for my Gold goods

    Below is the conversation I'm currently trying to have with steam support because I still haven't gotten my gold items, so I decided a few days ago to launch my question again (after an earlier attempt last week, in which I was told to ask again next week-so I did). If my English is flawed, I'm...
  13. Rygir

    A preview of things to come

    As someone else already said : Nova Prospekt. And does it makes sense to you that if YOU don't give a horse's ass about what anyone else wants, that everyone else doesn't give a horses ass that you don't want HL2DM? So next time you got something in your mind like that, keep it there. on...
  14. Rygir

    Patch Is Out!!! SDK and SURPRISE next week! :)

    If each expansion is going to be 1 hour shorter than the previous, they can have 8 expansions, totalling 36 hours. Still less than what was promised :p
  15. Rygir

    Meditating Vortiguant?

    As far as I can tell, he says the same things as the one that welds the gun on your mudskipper. If you hear the full speech you get a feel for the concepts he's so eloquently describing in various poetic, yet pointless ways. 1. We shall prevail. >>>We (or better yet I, as he seems to be...