Recent content by Senate11

  1. Senate11

    EAX Support in Half Life 2

    i had a SB live! 5.1 digital and i had a lot of problems with EAX and A3D. I just got a new SB Audigy 2 ZS and its AMAZING, i love this card, it increases the quality sooooo much and its only like $90. EAX works amazing now along with A3D. Its worth upgrading because i was really wondering if...
  2. Senate11

    law suit

    god i hope that doesnt happen.....
  3. Senate11

    So I watched T2 last night as everyone talk about Source...

    good job! lol :cheese:
  4. Senate11

    I need the assistance of the community

    Currently Active Users: 4097 she's gonna blow!!!!!!! :devil:
  5. Senate11

    Steam Update

    sounds good, finnaly they fixed that useridticket thing, i was having a hell of a time with that one.
  6. Senate11

    check this out

    yea thats what im trying to say here :cool:
  7. Senate11

    check this out

    i dont know if anyone has seen this yet but maybe you should take a look "My apoligies to those affected by the e-mail that made it's way around news sites in past hours. Unfortunately it was nothing more than a cruel joke. Doug Lombardi sent no such e-mail. I can assure you there is...
  8. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    MY EYES!!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!! :x ive had enough of this im out.....:x :x :x :x :x
  9. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    good art but i dont like naked cartoons...
  10. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    i have never played everquest and never will... and yes thats ****ed up
  11. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    alright thats enough of that.... *puke*:x
  12. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    now that is good art, i have a friend who draws anime really well (not this furry shit i mean real anime, shows) that picture could do without the suicide part though..
  13. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    no words of mind can explain how discusted i am right now i wonder if i should change my avatar...
  14. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it

    does this have anything to do with anime?
  15. Senate11

    teenage suicide - don't do it :x