Recent content by Sierra Oscar

  1. Sierra Oscar

    Total War: Rome II

    Rome Total War was also my introduction to the series, and I have been an avid fan of Total War games ever since. I am really looking forward to this, cannot wait for more details!
  2. Sierra Oscar

    Design A Logo For ValveTime - Win Valve Goodies + CS:GO Keys

    Lol, I like this one! Very apt. :D
  3. Sierra Oscar

    Gabe Newell: "We are not annoucning anything at E3."

    We shall see what we shall see. :)
  4. Sierra Oscar

    Nice one, hoping the site continues to flourish! Congrats. :)
  5. Sierra Oscar

    i Phone 4 Announced

    Yeah it is a great phone, totally agreed. In fact I will probably end up getting one soon. It just would be nice if they bundled everything from day one - but I guess that makes less $$$. Its like computer hardware now, you need to buy at the right time for the best value.
  6. Sierra Oscar

    i Phone 4 Announced

    Well a new i Phone was just announced (yeah I know, "/care" et cetera). . . . . so who was unfortunate enough to have bought an i Phone 3rd generation within the last month?:eek:
  7. Sierra Oscar

    Freeman 14th Picture Confirmed Fake by Gabe

    And the mystery deepens . . . :D
  8. Sierra Oscar

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    Well the rumours are starting to get media attention now . . . E3 2010 gets Half Life 3?
  9. Sierra Oscar

    Episode 3 Displayed on E3 website

    You realize that "games lists" are not put up on the E3 website prior to the exhibition itself? Also do you not realize that the chances are overwhelmingly high that more than two people would have spotted this? If EP3 was listed then it would have been huge news and that news would have spread...
  10. Sierra Oscar

    Portal 2 Event at E3 Cancelled – Replaced by…’Surprise’

    Is that the G-Man I see watching? . . . oh why it is!
  11. Sierra Oscar

    Half-life 2 & Episode 1 Updated With Achievements (Steam Play)

    Im running a bug report thread here . . . feel free to report any bugs. Hopefully Valve will get the issues sorted as quickly as is possible! Dont know why, but this bug is the one that really just makes me "LOL".:D
  12. Sierra Oscar

    Half-life 2 on Mac Coming 26th: Free Yourself Promo

    It is an update for the official version of the game. Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two Updates Released
  13. Sierra Oscar

    Half-life 2 on Mac Coming 26th: Free Yourself Promo

    Achievements released for HL2, along with graphical enhancements.:)
  14. Sierra Oscar

    Half-life 2 on Mac Coming 26th: Free Yourself Promo

    I would have high expectations that it will . . . If you think about it, since Portal was released on MAC any update that has been released for it has simultaneously been for both the PC and MAC versions - since the versions are essential the same. Surely it will be the same in reverse? ;)
  15. Sierra Oscar

    Pre-Load Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Now - Delayed till 28th

    *User may be waiting a few years for price drop. :p