Recent content by skater4evr5

  1. S


    i think its a better looking model than the old one but the clipping need to get fixed big time ! and they finally fixed the left hand problem on the models. :bounce: The only real thing that brings the model down a lot is the UBER glossy helment !! makes it look wayyy to cartoony and...
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    new model

    here is a quick pic from new model it looks FANTASTIC ! more polys and moves WAYY more realistic !! just one major flaw though....the arms like fold into the new vest if the get that fixed, it will be 100 % of what i was hoping for :P
  3. S


    OMg you are right it looks like a different skinf or CT's but not T's .. WOOOOOOOOOt and WOOOOT on DE_TRIAN !!
  4. S

    ok...WTF !

    sure enough when i turn Vsync of it works pretty darn good. why is the use of vsync anywhy ? thanks a lot for the help though i appreciate it :P
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    ok...WTF !

    well i used to run this game at about 35 FPS, with a radeon 9600 pretty good but when theres a big battle i would get like 20 FPs. right when i was going to upgrade my card well it burnt :P so i bought a new one the next day :P ..a radeon 9800 pro..well now i get about 49 FPS and 30 FPS in...
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    ATI problem !

    well i orderd new power supply from newegg. and really didnt make a difference on FPS or heat. But im feeling kinda bummed out because my CSS and even WoW run like crap i mean i get like 30 FPS in WoW and 10-50 in CSS. I used to run my 9600 pro and im actually getting same FPs on all my games...
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    ATI problem !

    lol i hated school too :P well i went out and bought a new vid card and PRESTO my computer works :P i bought a radeon 9800 pro and it requires 300 W power supply and i have a 300 W power supply :), should i upgrade the power supply and buy a VGA cooler too ? i am scared now that my new...
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    ATI problem !

    no repply ?
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    ATI problem !

    :naughty: so do I need to buy a VGA cooler or not i got the cash, but which one should I buy for a radeon 9800 pro? (preferable from newegg) and I got a 300 W power supply, should I buy a new one or is it not needed? I go tthe money and i found a 470 W one for 56 bucks on newegg so i think ill...
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    ATI problem !

    well my friend is bringing over a 5 day replacement and well see if thats what it is, thats what i thought in the first place :P CAn you link me to a video card cooler or something for a radeon 9800 pro ? I was going to buy a new one anyhow :) and can i get any money out of my broken card...
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    ATI problem !

    old drivers for what ? I never swithed any drivers or nothing when it happened. about an hour before all this grapgica stuff starting going weird on me i thought i started smelling smoke, but i do that every now and then. or maybe i was really smelling it, but nothing at all was visable burnt on...
  12. S

    ATI problem !

    if it was my monitor i would definenly know. IN-game graphics where weird not even close to monitor problem vga mode runs pretty nicely but i downloaded like 4 different types of drivers ffrom ATI and DNA and they all wont load my desktop. it shows my BIOS screen perfectly everytime and my...
  13. S

    ATI problem !

    i bought a radeon 9600 pro about 1 year ago and in mid game my graphics starting to freak out and go all crazy like overheating or something. so i turned off my comp for 30 minutes and now it has dotted lines on my desktop and so I went to ati website and got the new drivers and now it wont...
  14. S

    Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

    is this a joke mod ? ummm its hl2....huhhhh im confused. lol uuhh do you know what a mod is ?? how is this loking to be a good mod ?? im uber cinfused on what your computer shows
  15. S

    ok ive been trying to...

    is there supposed to be two gameinfo.txt's in the folder cause the mod came with two of them im i supposed to rename one of them ??? to what? the first one is like 34 kb and gives me and error when i put that one for the file the other one is bigger like 340 kb but it loads the game but...