Recent content by Tiddalick

  1. Tiddalick

    Portal: (Possible Spoilers)

    I have an idea that I will throw in for thought. CARE THOUGH, YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ IT READ AT OWN RISK, ie IF YOUR REALLY ANTI-SPOLIERS Recall the recent HL2 ep2 videos released by valve, then recall the scene where the G-Man is standing over a sleeping Alex. That bed in the...
  2. Tiddalick

    What has changed in HalfLife Source?

    I have just finished it Some changes: Gun physics Machine gun has recoil and bullets jump around the place The Tau Cannon no longer can be used for jumping! :( Water, HL2 style water, quite nice Lighting, some improvements, bump mapping etc Though all the ORIGINAL textures are the...
  3. Tiddalick


    I will also be leaving this forum for a while. Seems I won't have started HL2 before most of you finish it. I think this can be my final post for 1.5 months at least. Enjoy HL2!
  4. Tiddalick

    HL2 or HL S

    HL Source must come out tommorrow (Retail CE remember) so I will play through that first. Starting HL2 later this year on Christmas
  5. Tiddalick


    Well that was odd.. I didnt watch it with sound, I figured that the pictures would be enough. For someone trying so carefully to open the box, he didnt do a very good job (holding the camera didn't help). He put his fingers all over the box and moved it violently at least twice!
  6. Tiddalick

    6800 GT for HL2

    Well the 6800 is a very fine card. So it will play the game very nicely! I would not be concerned at all... Besides, the idea of developing for one brand of card is just sales hype
  7. Tiddalick

    More relase date humor

    Implying I am a noob?
  8. Tiddalick

    More relase date humor

    Wow I wonder. Maybe because I don't live on here 24/7 It can't be any more then 2-3 days old anyway.
  9. Tiddalick

    More relase date humor

    Thanks to for this picture. VU on the release date... I have been informed its OLD (Probably because I have been asleep for the last 8 hours). So Feel free to close this thread.
  10. Tiddalick

    Damn i can't belive hl2 is gettin owned..

    Halo 2 41807 Half-Life 2 42207
  11. Tiddalick

    What Luck!

    Yes, but the problem is at their end, nothing to do with the credit card specifically... I was supposed to contact them fixing the information they have. Now to buy gold! :)
  12. Tiddalick

    What Luck!

    Ebgames dosn't like my Dads credit card! So what I was thinking... Cancel my order for the Collectors. Buy from valve, but try and get the books still.
  13. Tiddalick

    The final hours is online

    An excellent read. If this article has shown me anything, its that the developers get shit all for there efforts (7 Dollars is quoted). I have bought the retail version (CE) of Half-Life 2, mainly due to not having any experience with steam. But from now on, I will buy via steam!
  14. Tiddalick

    I sped up my clock whilist being on Gamespot's Final hours of HL2 web page

    I get up and its 15 mins to go, well timed I would say
  15. Tiddalick

    Pics T-shirt in col.ed.

    wtf, the picture dosnt even look centred. If HL2 wasnt going to be such a great game I would really feel burned from valve. I preorder the Collectors from the States as soon as its announced....and now really the CE is just a peice of shit. FU whoever designed what went in it.