Finding a monitor (again)


Sep 7, 2004
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I'm looking for a monitor for duelview. I wanted something around 19" but also good at resoloutions and would prefer TFT.

Every 19" I've seen only goes upto a max res of 1280 x 1024. Now, 17" monitors also go to 1280 x 1024 - from what I've seen. So If I was looking for a good visual monitor, I would be better off with 17"?

What happens if I went over 1280 x 1024 on a TFT, with my CRT now, if I go too high, it pops and hisses then goes on stand by until a compatible resoloution is back in use.

I'm just looking for the best TFT I can get with my money upto £180.
You would want to stick to the native resolution with a LCD. You could go lower as it would scale it up to fit the screen but would look worse. Can't go over the native resolution.

Most all 19" screens are 1280x1024. I like 19" screens because of their screen size. 17" is just too small for me. Although you might be correct, that 17" screens look a little better since the pixels are closer together.
If you want more resolution then jump up to 20" LCDs.
Thanks Asus.

Whats the native resoloution for a 20"?
Some 20" LCDs are 1600x1200 (4:3) or 1400x1050 (4:3) or 1680x1050 (8:5).
21" screens all look to be 1600x1200.
Expensive though, looks like I'm going to have to go for a 17".

What happens if you go above the reccomended refresh rate and/or resoloution on TFTs?
They don't display an image, you might get an "out of range" message appear on the monitor.