Recent content by Æther

  1. Æther

    Weird Hacks

    Drugs maybe?
  2. Æther

    Gordon - highly skilled weapons expert??!!??

    In his pants?
  3. Æther

    The Gate II Devils Reef

    Yeah, sorry about that. The email I got referred to it as "Blink" so I guess I just rewrote it like that.
  4. Æther

    The Gate II Devils Reef

    The Devils Reef team just released a high resolution promotional video in Bink format that shows, for the first time, in-game action of The Devils Reef. The video includes footage of the new Time Gate, now modeled in the source engine.[br] The video weighs in at a hefty 54 megs, so beware if...
  5. Æther

    Sprint function is destroying Deathmatch

    I would like to see the run speed in hl2dm sped up and the sprint taken out. It feels too slow when I'm not sprinting.
  6. Æther

    Huge Eternal Silence Update

    I can't wait. This is one of the few (read: two) mods on my favorites :)
  7. Æther

    Huge Eternal Silence Update

    Well, ok. Look at it this way: Now you've got even MORE info on ES and you can look at the wonderful hands again :)
  8. Æther

    Huge Eternal Silence Update

    Well, these are the pics that the ES team posted with the last update, so take it up with them :)
  9. Æther

    Huge Eternal Silence Update

    The Eternal Silence team had been quiet since January: no news posts, no new images, no posting on their forums. But they recently explained why in their big March update, and it seems it was worth the wait. The new models look great and the mod is finally playable. Check out the images below...
  10. Æther

    L0ckdown Announced

    Maybe you're more important and they don't want to risk you getting out and fighting back again :) We'll have to see.
  11. Æther

    DVD Special Edition - Making Of?

    I don't own the book but I have seen it and flipped though it and it's amazing. Lots of juicy info and tons of pictures and concept art. Go get it :)
  12. Æther

    Is Half-Life Source worth it?

    Half-Life Source benefits from some of the programming changes in Half-Life 2, but not much visually has changed. As said above, there are some new special effects, but the game still looks mostly the same. I would still just buy Half-Life 2 and Half-Life separately. Go to Gamestop or something...
  13. Æther

    World of Warcraft section?

    I still think it'd be great to have a WoW forum even if posts about it aren't going out of control. Maybe it'll promote more posts, and hey, I'm addicted to WoW and need a place to talk about it :) Night Elf Rogue on Bronzebeard Human Paladin on Azgalor
  14. Æther

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    I didn't read all of the pages, but you guys should read the front page more instead of just coming to the forums... I posted this link a WHILE back :)
  15. Æther

    L0ckdown Announced

    Glad to hear SOMEONE likes it :) Not anymore :)