Recent content by 117

  1. 117

    Nexon announce licensing agreement to use Source

    ... Where the hell did you get that 100 Million user stat... last time I checked it was 10 Million...
  2. 117

    Nexon announce licensing agreement to use Source

    Look up the game "MapleStory" and you will see what they have done.
  3. 117

    Psycho[naut]s Infiltrate Steam

    I got it for the X-Box and it is amazing I don't think i will bother with the PC version but if you guys havent played it and got $20 laying around I would highly recommend getting it.
  4. 117

    Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

    $4,098,615,950 on the Deagle alone!? I kind of like this, it gives me an idea on who buys what but I thinlk this might mean the rise of more FY maps from people who complain about everything.
  5. 117

    Goldeneye: Source Team Leader Dead

    I feel sympathy for his family and friends but I just cannot imagine why I should feel sorry for a person who commits suicide. (Don't say I don't know what it feels like. You don't know if I or anybody I know has been through it) Yes it is sad but suicide isn't the way to go. RIP and I hope the...
  6. 117

    Adding Bots

    bot_add or bot_add_ct bot_add_t
  7. 117

    CSS RPG MOD new version?

  8. 117

    Empires is out!

    can somebody please post some mirrors?
  9. 117

    Favorites List Problem

    When I launch CS:S and add a server to my favorites I can see it under that tab, but later when I come back to play it is not on my favorites list. I quit the game properly and I shut down my computer properly. Also this happens in all of my games that use the Source engine. Can anybody...
  10. 117

    Eyes not rendering

    I dont know if thats creepy or awesome...
  11. 117

    HDR Screenshot show

    I am still getting used to the HDR... So bright!
  12. 117

    My new futuristic rifle WIP

    I agree... Also... DT rocks :D :D :D
  13. 117

    anyone miss the gibbing goodness of old DOD?

    People would probably only gib if they got hit by the bazooka dead on in the chest. Other than that I wouldnt mind seeing legs and stuff blown off. But that would be demanding on any comp.
  14. 117

    anyone miss the gibbing goodness of old DOD?

    I like wathcing bodies become rag dolls. More fun than gibs.
  15. 117

    Average Age

    Halo 2's Avg Age is 25 but feels like 13 CS:S Avg Age is about 20 but feels like 9