Recent content by 57210788

  1. 57210788

    StarCraft II

    I'm thinking of installing it on my laptop. I don't know the min requirements but should I assume that if I can run all of the HL2's and all of the COD's and both of the Bioshocks that I can also run Starcraft?
  2. 57210788

    StarCraft II

    I can hardly wait to play it. Previous to this morning my favorite game of all time was STILL Starcraft followed by Warcraft 3. I have a feeling by tonight that will change.
  3. 57210788

    Tired of Alyx, hopefully she dies

    No way. She wants him fierce. "I'll keep a lookout while you poke around inside" I think we all know what that really meant. :naughty:
  4. 57210788

    What do you hope does NOT happen in HL3?

    No advisors. None. Their penis tongue is just too weird. No stupid plot twists like Breen is really alive etc. No more magical repairs and additions: "While you were gone for 11 seconds we put a laser gun on your boat." "Well the timing of you needing the buggy is fantastic, I...
  5. 57210788

    Half-life 2 doesnt work anymore.

    If you find a solution please post it. Ep 2 is doing that for me.
  6. 57210788

    Scary/creepy stories thread

    This is a true story but fits under the category of "serves you right" more than creepy. Anyway... There is a survival camp councilor in my town who always loved to scare the living daylights out of his campers (12 to 15 years olds or so) with this totally made up story about a MNR (government...
  7. 57210788

    HL2 vs HL2 Ep. 2

    Ep2 HL2 HL1 EP1 Opp For Blue Shift
  8. 57210788

    A half life movie. Who should star in it?

    Add Max Payne to that list. It made me projectile vomit and I NEVER projectile vomit. Valkry's? Really? What was wrong with Valkyr? They took a good story and ruined it.
  9. 57210788

    Bioshock 2 Reviews

    I'm playing through it right now and loving every second. I guess every body has their own tastes, but this game fits mine 100%.
  10. 57210788

    Old games that wipe the floor with modern ones

    Including all old gaming systems: Final Fantasy 3 (US 3) Chrono Trigger Super Techmo Bowl Sim City 2000 I thought I was the only one who loved Theme Hospital but I guess not- although mine goes glitchy when the aliens show up. Myst I love Starcraft but I'll leave it off since I also...
  11. 57210788

    STALKER- does it get better?

    Well I guess based on what everybody is saying I should keep on trucking. I was really hoping it got better and tonight I'll find out. I assume to get past this "garbage" place I'll need better armor since I tried it once and radiated to death in a few seconds. I wish it wasn't so stinking far...
  12. 57210788

    STALKER- does it get better?

    So I bought both the origianl STALKER and Clear Sky off of steam way back (it think it was like $5 or something) but didn't play them right away. I started playing them a few days ago and so far hate it big time. In the original game I'm in a sort of wrecking yard near "garbage" and in clear...
  13. 57210788

    $15 for Stalker soc and cs

    I haven't played either but the reviews I've read sound interresting. I see I can get the 2 games for $15 right now on steam. Worth it? I play single player only games because of my connection. It's not like $15 is going to be the big problem, but the 90billion hour download does, I'd just like...
  14. 57210788

    BioShit 2 or more of the same crap made even worse

    Maybe it's somewhat about expectations. I liked Bioshock just fine, but I paid $5 for it and like somewhat slower moving FPS's. If people were expecting a game superior to SS2 and paid $60 and read all the reviews before hand they maybe had a different take on it. I thought the story was...
  15. 57210788

    please explain what seems to be plot holes (spoilers)

    That definately fills some holes for me. Thanks. On a different note I was playing through it last night again and had the crap scared out of me. I was in a dentist office and I turned around and a dentist was standing right behind me staring at me. Nice little bit of programming there.