Recent content by AchromiciA

  1. AchromiciA

    Robert Culp, Voice of Dr Breen Dies

    I never feel sad for strangers passing but this one is. RIP : No one will replace him
  2. AchromiciA

    Korsakovia Mod Released

    Dear Esther is one of the best mods I've played (if very simple but well done). I can't wait to give this a go!
  3. AchromiciA

    Major Left 4 Dead Update Released

    The % means that the tank will spawn at the same position of the map, not the same amount of times. I'm not overly sure how your game played out - if you actually finished or not - but depending on how well the other team is going it's to be expected.
  4. AchromiciA

    New Left 4 Dead Patch This Week

    While I know most people may have noticed the update by now!!!! I'm still going to post the patch notes for those who want to know and are at work (suckers). January 14, 2009 - Left 4 Dead Update Released Left 4 Dead has been updated with a host of fixes, tweaks and new features, including...
  5. AchromiciA

    New Left 4 Dead Patch This Week

    I'm worried to say it here... but if you join the spectators then back to the infected the infected you were just playing becomes an AI controlled special. With some games I've been in some tools have spawned easily 20 specials on top of us. Bloody losers ;(
  6. AchromiciA

    New Left 4 Dead Patch This Week

    I just seriously hope they have fixed the infected spawning exploit...