Recent content by Adul

  1. Adul

    Steam Controller 3D Design Assets Released

    Valve really should have some kind of content delivery system, instead of relying on external services, like Dropbox. Oh, wait...
  2. Adul

    GabeN Is Oprah!! - ValveTime News Round-Up (15th February 2016)

    Barely missed this news period: Vulkan 1.0 is released, today (16th Feb): (I hope it's Valve-related enough to be posted here)
  3. Adul

    Half-Life Mod “Sven Co-op 5.0” Out Now on Steam!

    How generous of Valve. However, seeing how much Valve allows fanbase to "play" with Half-Life series (Black Mesa, incoming "Prospekt" add-on, and now this) I'm afraid, that they're simply not afraid about integrity of the series, completely leaving it in hands of fans. Such behaviour would be...
  4. Adul

    Are Steam Trades In Trouble? - ValveTime News Round-Up (10th December 2015)

    I really don't think, that Erik Wolpaw has much to do right now in Valve. Multiplayer titles don't need much writing (well, some TF2 updates have creative backstory, but that's all).
  5. Adul

    What are the leaked "hl3.txt" and "rpg.txt" files all about?

    I sincerely believe, that there is some kind of HL3 development going on in Valve - but without emphasis on ever being released. The naming hl3, however, pretty much just suggests "Source 2" for me (just like GoldSrc games were "hl.exe", and many of Source games were "hl2.exe").
  6. Adul

    New Bloom 2015 / HL3 + Source 2 At GDC? (18th Feb 2015) - ValveTime News Round-Up

    Some Source 2 references are likely to exist at GDC, but I wouldn't expect any kind of major announcement: it's coference directed to game developers, not gamers (like E3 or Gamescom). Source (2) is just an engine, but engine that gamers are REALLY interested in (because of games related with it).
  7. Adul

    7th September 2014 + New Currencies Coming Soon! - ValveTime News Round-Up

    Too bad for us, people form Poland, that Valve isn't going to add our currency (Polish Złoty, PLN). Prices of PC games in PLN are usually much lower than in EUR (otherwise, most of us couldn't be able to afford them). EA's Origin, while being inferior to Steam in almost every way, supports PLN...
  8. Adul

    Dota 2 Workshop Tools Introduce "Hammer 2014"

    I can't deny this. I don't play DOTA2, but new content generation tools are in the center of attention. This could have misleaded me.
  9. Adul

    Dota 2 Workshop Tools Introduce "Hammer 2014"

    Well, i'm afraid that this might be Source 2. During AMA on reddit, Gabe said that main Source 2 improvement will be content generation. I wouldn't be suprised, if content generation was the ONLY improvement.
  10. Adul

    Prospero - Database: Episode 3

    Episode 3? (Sorry, I just had to).
  11. Adul

    [Update: It's over.] Gabe Newell's Reddit AMA Round-Up

    Well, just because we didn't see any response for some time does not mean it's over. ESPECIALLY since it's Gabe Newell and VALVEtime.
  12. Adul

    Steamwork Developers May Now Independently Discount Games

    Prepare your wallets.
  13. Adul

    What OS are you on?

    Windows 7 professional x86-64