Recent content by AllFallD0wn

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    Can you pick up objects on 360?

    I'm in England. Got it about 6 months ago on the 360 for £10. Technically free, as I traded in FarCry 2 for it. God that was the best swap I've ever made in my life! Anywho, yes, you can pick objects up. I believe it's the "X" button, but I can't remember. Not played it on the 360 for a while...
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    Half-life tattoo

    Not for me :)
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    Does God Exist?

    It doesn't have to be an invisible man. Think about it. If we find out how to make a higgs boson, then we, too may hold the key to the universe, and indeed creating a universe. Maybe we are just the work of scientists in another universe who have too discovered the higgs boson. However, this is...
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    Half-life tattoo

    I like the aperture science logo test subject thing... And yeah, I like the fact that probably not many people (if anyone) would have it :) But I'm still open to any new ideas!
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    The Orange Box

    Aah, I thought he was being 'This is a HL2 site, no portal' or something :) My bad.
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    Half-life tattoo

    Thats the citadel core symbol.
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    Does God Exist?

    Yes. I do realise this, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it ;)
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    Half-life tattoo

    Sorry to resurrect an old thread here, but I didn't want to make a new thread about something that's already here :) I'm looking to get a Half Life tattoo. I don't have that many ideas of what to get, but I know I want a Half Life tattoo of some sort, to mark what a great game the Half Life...
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    Does God Exist?

    But, from my point of view anyway, if you think that they have pretty much proved the Big Bang took place, then that begs the question, who made the gasses and the spark?
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    Any questions?

    In soviet Russia, Combine are from you
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    Who thinks GlaDos will be in hl3

    Ratman has many we can have ;)
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    Any questions?

    I didn't think it had a name (as of yet). I shall be very interested to know it :)
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    Any questions?

    I would think of some kind of strange trivia to try and trick you, but I really can't be bothered, seen as you'll just go to google anyway...
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    A Good (and Faithful) Half-Life Movie...Is It Possible?

    The reason half life is so amazing is the interaction between player and game, which really makes you feel like you are part of it, and makes you care for the characters more, and hope they survive. One reason why people are so shocked and disappointed/upset when characters,such as Eli die. You...
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    What will you do the day Ep. 3 comes out?

    Hopefully buy it and play it?