Recent content by Alsi

  1. Alsi

    Nintendo Revolution

    the N64-Controller was quite innovative - imo :) And the current GC-Controller outranks every other one :thumbs: greetz Alsi
  2. Alsi

    de_inferno, too detailed for its own good

    i really like all the new aspects of inferno :thumbs:
  3. Alsi

    Touching yourself is bad!

    "For years women have had access to stimulating technologies that far surpass our human limitations. Now its our turn."
  4. Alsi

    Touching yourself is bad!

    err well... experience is always good. The more you know about yourself the better the sex with a partner ;) So go on and spank it :stare: And if you want to go the next step: (this is no pron, is it? dear mods /otherwise delete plz) :thumbs:
  5. Alsi

    Are you L337?

    well - im not leet, but as is was said before, there are A LOT of newbies around. So i get accused of cheating more often than in CS1.6. i guess the experienced players stick to 1.6 as long as they can cause they are afraid of new things and whine about some minor bugs.
  6. Alsi

    Bullet frozen in the air

    jep - is saw that a few times. but it's only the shell, i think ;) and beam - i love that sound. another great thing in CS:S. small, but makes a huge difference -> better ambient-sound
  7. Alsi

    Possible to hide all chat messages?

    i edit all my posts, but it's limited to .... i don't know exactly..... maybe 5 min ? ;) in germany it's 18+ ;) at least HL2 - are there any official ratings for the retail cs:s yet ? :rolleyes: ps: sry 4 being offtopic :upstare:
  8. Alsi

    Possible to hide all chat messages?

    attention - word missing ! should have been "you allow him" :D
  9. Alsi

    Possible to hide all chat messages?

    you him to play him to play a game that is rated 18+ but you don't want him to learn a few swearwords ? strange :eek: but i don't know - let's ask Dr. Google first hit for "turn off text messages in cs": :thumbs: cl_showtextmsg -----...
  10. Alsi

    PwnX0r tha cheetors!!

    i always try to ingore them :) - i just leave the server.... btw: if some cheater uses a "wall-hack", the term "hacker" is ok i guess *g* but who am i to say. Honestly these people are so worthless, they do not deserve a name ;) and the battle between cheater and anti-cheater is endless i...
  11. Alsi

    CS 1.6 please come in your time is up...

    considering the time the both games (1.6 / cs:s) are out, there are a lot source-players ;)
  12. Alsi

    if you could add one thing to css what would it be?

    i was about to say prone, hit per pixel detection or so on - but your are totally right. if i could change only ONE thing, that's the choice! :thumbs:
  13. Alsi

    CS 1.6 please come in your time is up...

    EVERY version of CS is an arcade-shooter..... besides the bugs and its incomplete state, CS:S is MUCH better ! :)
  14. Alsi

    THIS is how HL2 needs to be played!

    well, if I use my s-video option i don't need any AA cause the quality is so bad that the image already looks anti-aliased :) And my resolution is limited to 1024x768 DVI is MUCH better i think ;) ps: yout TV-Manual tells u what your PC-Hardware is capable(spelling?) of??? :S
  15. Alsi

    THIS is how HL2 needs to be played!

    of course..... please explain your speaker setup if you don't mind, cause i really don't believe you. That beamer part was ok - but 15.3 doesn't make any sense ;)