Recent content by Andy018

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    Half Life 2 : Raising The Bar book

    OK, So long time no post and all that, what can I say I've been lurking :) I have however reached a point where I need to raise a few pennies/cents/euros and digging around I've found this book I bought when HL2 launched. I appreciate there are PDF versions etc available online but given...
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    A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

    I dont think you can class your self as a Veteran TFC'er your only a Veteran if you remember Unholy kingdoms and such like in the original Quakeworld TF
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    lol yeah and mossman is in the arctic ... with those Xen portals im sure they can port freeman over to good ole mesa for me :)
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    lol.. well play catch up and watch it its a fanastic series this season and the finale is ace. Anyway back to speculating :D ... who reckons we will revisit black mesa in its nuked run down but still partly accessible state?
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    New Content?

    New Enemies - Yes a couple ... (but you only fight one of them) New Weapons - Not in this episode.. (unless you include a flare) AI - Yes its been improved. Retail .. I dont know .. Steam is ace.
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    LOL sorry I thought this was the internet.. who relies on Skyone when they have this :P... That said though I would hardly say ruined its only a minor plot point similar to that of the alyx holding onto the pipes ... i never said what happens.:)
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    I think its unfair to say Ep1 didnt have potential its kind of like watching a drama unfold if you only see the opening act you are in no place to judge it for not completing the story. Ep1 for me was perfect it continued immediately on from Halflife2 and placed you in perfect 'End of season...
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    Wikipedia link about stuff removed from halflife2 including Kraken, Borealis the airconditioner etc
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    Yeah I know for definate there is at least one advisor leaving in one of those... I just dont think they all contain advisors I think 1 does and the rest contain troops and equipment (which explain the mini striders and stuff) Ohhhh joys of speculation :D sam I cant rememeber the Kraken...
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    Episode 2 CGI ?

    she wont die code you dont create a whole episode around developing that relationship and then wipe it out. She will probably be in a coma. check the spoilers thread as I have a theory on that whole bit :P
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    yeah if you watch it closely its the citidel sending the transmission. Alyx said at the beginning the combine were desperate enough to send it that they would sacrifice it. The pods escaping are believed by everyone here to contain advisors.
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    Episode 2 CGI ?

    nope its a texture just over analysed it myself :P does look good tho. Oh and looks like you train falls down a ravine (if the alyx on the pipes bit is true)
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    Episode 2 CGI ?

    lol im not thick Code, if its in game cool but it dont look it to me.the rest of it is definately but that one little shot. hmm...
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    [Spoilers] Specuation Thread - Episode One and Two

    Yes druid a coma
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    Episode 2 CGI ?

    lol im not. watch the shot and observe the background it isnt ingame.