Recent content by Arto572

  1. A

    location of city 17 and cafe of baltic

    It can be the Baltic States. Estonia for the city, Latvia for the coast (Highway 17 etc. chapters) and Lithunia for the forest maybe? Estonia can be the forest too, but i think Lithunia is a good candidate.
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    Ellen McLain goes back to the studio

    Ellen voiced Combine Overwatch, i doubt it's dota 2.
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    Ellen McLain goes back to the studio

    Obvious HL3/EP3 voice actor hired. *rant* We just want Kelly Bailey back! *rant*
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    Does anyone still play this game?

    I play DoD 1.3 but Source still has players.
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    Post- Half Life future hinted at in Portal 2 (SPOILERS!)

    Borealis was supposed to contain portal technology. Maybe Gordon can go to the future, maybe he can go back 20 years and stop the Resinance Cascade from happening? Possibilities are ENDLESS
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    Valve announces "The International" Dota 2 Tournament- $1 Million Prize

    OFFTOPIC: When i readed the thread title at the homepage, i tought ''Valve Announces Episode 3''
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    New Half-life Game

    OP is a preschooler.
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    Episode 3: Want / Do not want

    Want: Kraken Base, Air Exchange Cut HL2 beta weapons. More info on Gman Basically more cut beta stuff. Make the story interesting like it was with the beta. Multiplayer, which HL2 was supposed to get. Possible visit to Xen or Combine Overworld. Tau cannon from HL1 DO NOT WANT: Alyx to die...