Recent content by Avoidist

  1. Avoidist

    CS:GO Key Giveaway – Create A ValveTime Tagline Where the future is a thing of the past.
  2. Avoidist

    Gabe Newell Ranked 854th Richest Person by Forbes

    Ditto. Still, there was the novelty of running the phone cable half way through the house.
  3. Avoidist Help me be a real physicist!

    It gets better, but in the meantime you are using AIPS, which runs on magic. Good luck! Actually it is a well established program that I found not to be glitchy so much as plain old fashioned. I can assure you though that your outputs are certainly accurate so long as you are giving it the...
  4. Avoidist

    Double Fine start Kickstarter fund for new adventure game with stated goal of $400k

    It's essentially a very long term pre-order at the lowest rank, which is great. I wonder what they will be doing with all this extra money they have accrued.
  5. Avoidist Help me be a real physicist!

    I recommend C++ and Python. At higher levels, you will find most physicists writing their simulations in C++ for its efficiencies, and using python as a handle for these simulations. Python is also great for plotting through matplotlib. You will probably also want to learn LaTeX if you are...
  6. Avoidist

    Steam asking for further machine details in relation to Dota 2 beta?

    How do you find out if you are picked? Is it through the same email?
  7. Avoidist

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Just confirmed this, the keys can be remapped in general (for instance to the up-down-left-right keys) but the numpad keys are 'reserved' apparently, no idea why since I certainly haven't used them. I'm sure there should be some sort of workaround or patch for this though.
  8. Avoidist

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

  9. Avoidist


    7 children per woman as an extreme in society is irresponsible enough. 7 as an average? That's downright nuts.
  10. Avoidist

    Post Your Computer Desk

    Just beware of those LS11's. The sound quality of mine took a massive dive a month or so in, but they should be fine for low-volume situations. Still looking for good inexpensive 2.0 speakers to replace them.
  11. Avoidist

    Ellen McLain goes back to the studio

    Usually quite late in development since the script (and hence vast majority of the game) has to be locked in beforehand. Until the script is finalized they usually have people from the office filling in (see Richard Lord as Wheatley, the Meet the Medic outtakes etc). This is so they don't have...
  12. Avoidist

    For Your Information: Installing Games with DirectX on Steam

    Glad to finally see an explanation for this, always frustrated me a bit.
  13. Avoidist

    The Hobbit - Part 1

    Just noticed that Benedict Cumberbatch was cast as the voice and performance (via motion capture) for Smaug. Part of me thinks this is awesome, the rest is thinking that perhaps Peter Jackson watched a bit too much of the recent Sherlock TV series.
  14. Avoidist

    Swearing in Public Places = Fine (In Australia)

    I read that as Swearing in Public Places = No Problem (In Australia). Which I think is what will be the result of this. It's giving the police a valid excuse to apprehend anyone verbally abusing the hell out of them that they may not have another direct justification to apprehend. That being...
  15. Avoidist

    "When Video Games Get Stuck In Your Head"

    That... was a great article. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.