Recent content by axeil

  1. axeil

    Source Engine Update Released

    I keep on getting owned but I'm having fun. It did get annoying when I went into a 10 minute kill drought.
  2. axeil

    This girl is the best

    Wow. I hope you thanked her. That's a really cool gift.
  3. axeil

    The Suprise Is Here! (Proof)

    YES! This rocks. Thank you VALVe you guys just made my week. Can't wait to play it.
  4. axeil

    The best Monty Python sketch

    What about the world's funniest joke? That's a great one. Or the part in Life of Brian where the people are chasing him and they end up at the naked guy's hole in the ground.
  5. axeil

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Yup, happened to me. I took a bunch of pictures because I thought it was SO cool and that it had to be a bug. Guess not. :(
  6. axeil

    Higher Levels of Difficulty

    Wow BigGoose looks like you may be on to something. Have you found the command that increased the accuracy of the enemy weapons yet? That would be the holy grail of this experiment.
  7. axeil

    I'm getting suspicious emails from Steam

    Sounds like someone is trying to get you to hack your account. Don't reply but notify VALVe since they may be able to find whoever is doing this. The messages appear legit, but VALVe will know for sure and if they aren't they can start helping you get rid of whoever's generating them. Don't...
  8. axeil

    Steam offline = +18fps!

    Actually, it may be kinda cool if VALVe knows for sure who the first person to beat HL: 2 was. It'll also help them track how much we play the game and how popular each level is. Its not hacking my hard drive and stealing my credit card number to buy gay 1970s abstract porn or anything like...
  9. axeil

    Higher Levels of Difficulty

    I once threw a scanner into a combine and it blew up in his face and killed him. I love the idea of somehow increasing the aim of the combine. I'm playing through the second time and it seems like a joke now that I know where most of the enemies are. Come on VALVe, grant us an Uber Hard...
  10. axeil

    Wtf@the Crossbow?

    I used the crossbow a good deal in the later levels of the game. It became indispensible for the quick "pop out and line up your shot before a strider takes your head off" weapon. Did take a few tries to figure out how best to utilize it though. Don't feed the trolls.
  11. axeil

    Higher Levels of Difficulty

    So how would you guys recommend making it harder? And how would the game know not to use the standard "easy", "medium", and "hard" difficulties?
  12. axeil

    Striders: desintegration cannon gone?

    Try fighting the Striders on hard. My oh my did they love that cannon...
  13. axeil

    Half Life 2 multiplayer - What would you like to see?

    I like what ailevation was saying. Also something like UT2004's Onslaught mode would be amazing in City 17. Imagine the Combine having to control the power plants in an area while the Resistance needs to capture them to shut them down. This could continue until one side got to either...
  14. axeil

    The zombies with headcrabs speak backwards! sound inside!

    Is there anyway to replace the normal zombie screams with the reversed one? I think it would make Ravenholm so much scarrier.
  15. axeil

    I made a city17 login for windows xp, wotcha think

    Well now that I have style XP could you send it to [email protected] As for the 3D background, I was referring to the background you get at the HL2 Main Menu. Dunno if its possible to create that in windows but it'd look really cool to boot up the computer and see one of the 3D backgrounds.