Recent content by bgesley426

  1. bgesley426

    Recommend me graphic novels.

    Well if you're also interested in resistance/rebellion/revolution then Brian Wood's DMZ might be up your alley.
  2. bgesley426

    Insurgency Beta Signups Round 2

    Rubik's Cubes? lol. Magic 8-ball champ. I'll just wait for the fourth phase.
  3. bgesley426

    What would keep you from joining the military?

    Simply because my interests are those mostly unrelated to military. I view this question in the same way I view the question "What would keep you from getting a computer science degree, or a business degree, or in becoming an engineer, lawyer." They all contribute to society. I could become...
  4. bgesley426

    if a tree falls, and noone is there to hear it, did it make a sound?

    It's a rhetorical question (ie. one not even to be attempted to be answered). Or if you disagree: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
  5. bgesley426

    Resident Evil: Twilight

    So to you a Half-Life 2 mod about Zombies looks as if a man is putting his penis into another man's rectum? You definitely need therapy.
  6. bgesley426

    Infamous “Stutter Bug” in Half-Life 2

    Ha-HA! Shacked in the FACE.
  7. bgesley426

    Bob Woodruff

    So turn off the ****ing channel then. Problem Solved.
  8. bgesley426

    your views on technology.

    You lack a massive amount of knowledge about how computers handle information. Basically, you're saying instead of using a light switch, we should use complex equations to determine when a light bulb should be on or off. Now, that's only at a hardware level, if you're referring to how we manage...
  9. bgesley426

    If you met God, what would you ask?

  10. bgesley426

    Some Counter-Strike: Source News…

    I haven't played CSS in a LONG time but are they just "updating" player models or are they actually allowing different player models to be selected like 1.6 and prior releases? It seems quite.. uh whats the word, oh yes.. retarded. I thought the demand was for more player models to choose from.
  11. bgesley426

    How old are you?

    I love that tv show..
  12. bgesley426

    best P2P program?!

    Does anyone else HATE it when people add TWENTY-TWO extra eclamation/question marks to their dumbass questions??!!??!!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!? !??!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? !!?!?!?!?!??!!??!!?!?!?!?! ?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??! ? !?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ? !
  13. bgesley426

    SiN Episodes Media Update

    Oh cool, it's the grasshoppers from A Bug's Life.
  14. bgesley426

    Throat Ache Remedies?

    I'll say first... A STIFFY
  15. bgesley426

    Half-Life 2: Aftermath Update

    How exactly is Aftermath being unfinished and of low-quality positive? You'll have to elaborate... again....