Recent content by Bluestrike

  1. Bluestrike

    Valve To Remove Steam Workshop Mod Payment Scheme Also we already pay for mods, its called dlc and its in general on games that did not get mod support else nobody would buy the dlc ... If I could live from it I would probably still be modding.
  2. Bluestrike

    Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies Release Date Announced

    Not sure why Valve attached their name to this. (or why the global release as there is plenty of better stuff on the market)
  3. Bluestrike

    Blizzard open case over Valve using Dota Trademark

    Never been a fan of Blizzard, but I can't understand why Valve had to claim the trademark for a mod made on another game and that Blizzard claims to have intentionally left out there. DOTA2 has only one of the devs that worked opn the orriginal and its just a cheap trick to use the name for...
  4. Bluestrike

    Valve announces "The International" Dota 2 Tournament- $1 Million Prize

    A tournament on a unreleased game?
  5. Bluestrike

    Portal 2 - Valve's Last Isolated Single-player?

    Doh, I hate coop games. Wish there was also a cheaper version of portal 2 that had the coop part removed since I won't be able to enjoy it anyway. I'm just jealous that I'm missing out.
  6. Bluestrike

    Valve Have '3 Big Surprises'

    Hmm I still remember that last big suprise, Portal 2 for PS3... Anyway my guesses would be: A DOTA game since they hired that guy. Source Engine 2 HL3
  7. Bluestrike

    SDK - Soul Destroying Kit?

    Having worked with the sourceSDK & hammer and Unity3D, from my leveldesign point of view I would have hammer any day over unity, on that field Unity just sucks. Tough I have to say Unity is always improving and the 3.0 release will have lightmappers and some better snapping etc. The terrain...
  8. Bluestrike

    Steam Hardware Survey Updated (Now Includes Software Survey)

    They scan for software? I feel violated now :-) Are they perhaps also trying to find out how much share their competition has this way?
  9. Bluestrike

    Valve Releases Alien Swarm on Source, Free of Charge

    Where is EP3! :P I'm not into coop online games but thanks anyway and perhaps also a thank you for the guys who made this in the first place. Just wondering who is really giving this to us, did valve buy the game and give it to us for free or are the developers just giving it out for free.
  10. Bluestrike

    Gearbox's Randy Rant Part 2

    Or maybe he is trying to be a good friend.
  11. Bluestrike

    Steamworks, Modern Warfare 2 and Other Digital Distributors

    I would rather have 3 good ones then one :-P
  12. Bluestrike

    Steamworks, Modern Warfare 2 and Other Digital Distributors

    Makes total sence, When I sell a product to a customer I would not like it to have a card attached to it with advertising of the competition. I am pretty sure Valve would not like it either if it was the other way around. Besides I'm weary of any type of monopoly, sooner or later it will be...
  13. Bluestrike

    Left 4 Dead 2 Available for Pre-Order Now

    Makes me almost wish I had 3 friends :P
  14. Bluestrike

    You Steam The Future?

    Very doubtfull this works, Perhaps initially when people are naive but once a few failed titles have passed peole will be alot less likely giving their money away for nothing in return. Supporting one title might be manageble but it isnt supposed to stop there is it :-) Not mentioning...
  15. Bluestrike

    "Freeman's not done" - Lombardi

    Doesn't one of the TF2 blogs mention that the reason for a long time with no updates was because everybody was working on L4D to get it out.