Recent content by bones_taw

  1. bones_taw

    I has confuse

    Gotta say B. Shouldn't really matter if the Block is moving or the portal. Relative velocity is still there. Since the portal moving down 'slams' into the platform with block, then we assume it doesn't slow down or stop until after block has entered portal. PS I was a Rocket Scientist at...
  2. bones_taw

    TAW.NET Recruiting

    Nevermind. Guess I just had to post after defining it.
  3. bones_taw

    TAW.NET Recruiting

    Thanks for the help Veggie. Any idea why my sig doesn't show?
  4. bones_taw

    TAW.NET Recruiting

    Hello, and welcome to the Team Fortress 2 Division of TAW! We are a bunch of people who love to play Team Fortress 2. The Team Fortress 2 Division has its members represented in both Europe (1st battalion) and North America (4th battalion). The Team Fortress 2 Division has been active in playing...
  5. bones_taw

    Is there a place to post Clan Recruiting?

    Didn't see any similar posts anywhere. Just wondering...