Recent content by BoroVC

  1. BoroVC

    Valve needs our help

    You make all this sound so serious. Who gives a crap about some sites 'showdown'? I don't have an 'escapist' login or facebook but i'm tempted to get one just to vote zynga because you made this thread.
  2. BoroVC

    scary movies..

    I suggested Hills have Eyes because I found it a bit creepy in its atmosphere. And I remember thinking during the rape scene 'Why am I watching this?'. Wolf Creek is one of those 'based on actual events' movies about a killer in the outback. I find the 'miles from anywhere, no where to go'...
  3. BoroVC

    scary movies..

    How could I forget Silent Hill! Another great and creepy film.
  4. BoroVC

    scary movies..

    The Hills have Eyes (remake) Wolf Creek Shrooms (lol) And I don't care what anyone says.... The Blair Witch Project!
  5. BoroVC

    looking for a old cartoon I barely remenber

    I got it... Casper the friendly ghost! Don't thank me maam, it's my job.
  6. BoroVC

    MAME emulator

    Here is a link to the MAME I use: Thats version 119 and I use 117, but I just tested and Battletoads works fine on there. It also has a Kaillera client so you can play online. I have my Wii modded with the Homebrew Channel...
  7. BoroVC

    MAME emulator

    Use MAME32 Plus! Plus .117. I don't bother updating my romset regular because I dont see the need to if there are no major updates. Last time I updated was to play SF3. Any way, Battletoads works fine here and has done on all the versions of MAME ive had iirc.
  8. BoroVC

    Red Dwarf: Back to Earth

    It was really weak but in all honesty the show hasnt been the same since Rob Grant left. Series 7 onwards did provide a few laughs but didnt deliver the same feel and quality of the first six series.
  9. BoroVC

    Christian Bale goes crazy (AUDIO)

    Wow this is the first time I heard of this. I love Christian even more now:laugh:.
  10. BoroVC

    Weekend Deal: Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Now Available for $4.99

    Sounds like I should be fine then, thanks. So how is the game anyway? Is it fairly free roaming? Are the missions varied and interesting? I saw some footage where you run around with these army guys, does that kind of thing happen much or are you usually alone. I prefer to play as lone...
  11. BoroVC

    Weekend Deal: Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl Now Available for $4.99

    I always hear people saying you need a powerful rig to run this game. Is it true? If I can run Fallout 3 on medium settings, will this game be fine for me?
  12. BoroVC

    The Fallout 3 Thread

  13. BoroVC

    The Fallout 3 Thread

    Sorry, I forgot for a moment which site I was on. I will go find somewhere where people are a bit more helpful.:rolleyes:
  14. BoroVC

    The Fallout 3 Thread

    Which key do I press to take screenshots?