Recent content by CaptainNemo

  1. C

    Resonance Cascade 10/21/08

    Aye, she's sexy. But she's dangerous. Like Bruce Cambell.
  2. C

    Resonance Cascade 10/21/08

    You will be eaten first. I, for one, will welcome our new brain-maggot overlords.
  3. C

    Resonance Cascade 10/21/08

    Get you crowbars ready, because on October 21, the CERN Large Hadon Collider, or LHC, will be activated. The obvious result: a Resonance Cascade of epic proportions, duh! Expect HEADCRAB ZOMBIE GHOASTS, antlions, bullsquids, and the Combine.
  4. C

    Breene, dead or alive?

    The man had some great quotes. And a beard.
  5. C

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Actually, it's more like 50% physics puzzles, 25% shooting, 20% walking, 4% talking, and 1% head humping.
  6. C

    "If You Could Talk Back"

    You, sir, win at reality.
  7. C

    G-Man + Aperture.... ?

    Mine too.
  8. C

    G-Man + Aperture.... ?

    I... I... Everything I Know Is A Lie!!!
  9. C

    Half life 2: 2 plot questions.

    Breen seems to know him, or at least, knows of him. I wouldn't be surprised if the Advisers were aware of the G-Man, too.
  10. C

    G-Man + Aperture.... ?

    Quoted. For. Truth.
  11. C

    My interpretation of portal

    I love being invisible. ..... Religion has no place in a discussion of a First Person Puzzle video game. And you misspelled hypocrite.
  12. C

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    AR3. Or maybe that butane powered tennis ball cannon Gordon built when he was a kid.
  13. C

    My interpretation of portal

    Let's not bring religion in to this, okay? thecakeisforyou, spell check is at the top of your controls when you post. Use it. Actually, your spelling isn't that bad, but you need to work on your grammar. A lot. ..... Now, can you please explain your theory more clearly?
  14. C

    My interpretation of portal

    I can't understand what the original poster is trying to say. All I am getting out of it is something about Cave Johnson, GLaDOS, and Memory Cores. Could you try to clear up your points?
  15. C

    Gordons first and lasts words

    Please, I think we all know what Gordon's first words will be. His PhD, MIT training, and general high intelligence means he can only utter the immortal phrase: "i herd u like mudkips".