Recent content by Chadda

  1. Chadda

    Best Eyecandy You've Seen In HL2

    The entire airboat sequence. The ambience of the canals are perfect. I just jump off the airboat and walk around listening to the wind and the birds...excellent. Also, I wonder what type of birds are featured in the water canals? They sing but you never see them...I have definately heard...
  2. Chadda

    Half-Life 2 Demo Coming Today

    Is there anything different in the demo that's not in the full version?
  3. Chadda

    GameArena Player's Choice Awards

    Ahh so your from Aust. What ISP? I'm with Internode...great plans there. Node servers also tend to rock even though I'm in Melb and sometimes get better pings with GA servers! I really didn't realise GA was regarded aroud the world! PS: What happened to the Source World forum?
  4. Chadda

    GameArena Player's Choice Awards

    GA is the gaming arm of BigPong (Tel$tra) the ISP. Major rip off as an ISP with incredibly unfair stranglehold on the local infrastructure. GA is the only good thing about Tel$tra. And as if HL2 isn't anything else but the greatest game ever made. I have now played it 5 times over and still...
  5. Chadda

    GameArena Player's Choice Awards

    Is GameArena really that well regarded? Well...I never knew!
  6. Chadda

    HL2 already beyond

    Nice, but IMO it looks like a CGI movie...too "plastic" for my tastes. Yes it's got all the pretty effects and such, but it's too "soft" or something. Also the physics looks like the mansion is on the Moon or something. Everything bounces around with low grav...probably easy to fix.....I'd hope...
  7. Chadda

    AI Video

    Yeah I used to think "How the hell can they see me from miles away". But don't forget you have those binoculars that "mark" the enemy...maybe they have them as well. As for "ARE YOU OK? - your head's just detached from your body"...roflmao! My experience with HL2 AI was bloody good. All the...
  8. Chadda

    Manhacks should be the new snarks (and other DM ideas)

    Also...hoppers should be able to be attached to walls and ceilings not just the floor. Manhacks should definately be indiscriminate in their attacks...just like the snarks. IMO that was one of the funniest/best parts of HLDM...snarks turning on their owner = f@rking funny! Oh, and I reckon...
  9. Chadda

    Master Chief pwned by Gordon

    Master Chief is that the guy from Doom? Cause it sure looks like one of the characters you can choose.
  10. Chadda

    Anyone tried the Spear?

    Haha..yes that happened to me! (Tried to kill a turrent widda spear and the game didn't like it!)
  11. Chadda

    post your wacky physics images here, or talk about the things youve done!!!

    ROFLMAO...fantastic work!! :bounce: :thumbs:
  12. Chadda

    massive armies!!

    I think to stop them fighting it's AI disable or something similar.
  13. Chadda

    massive armies!!

    How do you line them up so perfectly?
  14. Chadda

    Got the Gunship to crash finally!

    The first time I played through I actually found a Gunship eye on the ground. At the time I didn't know what it was. It looked cool - colorful etc. When I played through the second time, the gunship crashed at this point (near the cars) and i realised what it was - a gunship insect eye. It...
  15. Chadda

    The level you like the most in Half Life 2

    Air boat (whatever that's called - the entire Route Kanal levels) Highway 17