Recent content by Chainer

  1. Chainer

    Am I the only one feeling ripped off?

    Ok I know Steam is the way to go and all these days but I am left feeling kinda pissed, since I pre-ordered my special edition of EB that I will have to wait till HL:2 comes out before I can even play CS:Source. I mean I don't even have access to the Beta version anymore (not that anyone does)...
  2. Chainer

    What did you think of Collateral the movie?

    LOL! He isn't the hero, and you just ruined the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it but oh well. I liked it because for once Cruise played a truly bad guy, and he was frelling amazing.
  3. Chainer

    What did you think of Collateral the movie?

    Just wondering what everyone thought of the movie Collateral? I thought it was kick ass and I have seen it three times.
  4. Chainer

    What The Hell Is Going On?

    It did the same thing to me I just restarted my comp, and let steam fully load and you may want to try joining different games.
  5. Chainer

    and now its alll quiet again....

    Yeah when valve releases new footage or info I tend to gravitate back to the ol' forums, but after so long I fall back to the world of WCIII. :flame:
  6. Chainer

    HL2 Collectors Edition at EB Games

    I'll be right beside you, shoving over the guy grabbing two.
  7. Chainer

    Chainer's Homemade Zombie/Headcrab

    Let's just say I got really bored and had some extra wire, tape and paint setting around. Wireframe Headcrab Chestmouth Zombie Claw Full on Zombie
  8. Chainer

    HL2 Collectors Edition at EB Games

    From what I understand Valve does not charge for anything with steam, ie. updates, patches.
  9. Chainer

    Doom III out-presells Half Life 2...

    Im not at all intrested in Doom, I didn't play the other games. HL is what I know, that and rocket surgery. :E
  10. Chainer

    HL2 Collectors Edition at EB Games

    You make a good point here. They will probly require you to go thru steam, I also hope we get a T-Shirt or a Model Headcrab or something. I'll spend the xtra bucks for something cool like that. On a side note poseyjmac, I almost pissed myself when I saw your avatar.
  11. Chainer

    Half-Life Movie

    I think if the script was UBER GREAT the movie would be a hit. Only on one condition; the camera is from Gordons view ONLY. We would never see him or hear him just like the game. And if we indeed HAVE to see him I think it should be an actor we have never heard of before. I couldn't take the...
  12. Chainer

    "After five years, our fans deserve more than a rerun" - Marc Laidlaw

    Thanks, that was a stimulating read. :E
  13. Chainer

    Doom III out-presells Half Life 2...

    I cancled my preorder on Amazon because I want to have the game the moment it comes out and definatly not a full day later.........Thats just crazy!
  14. Chainer

    Doom III out-presells Half Life 2...

    Thats because true HL fans dont want to wait a day to get the game.
  15. Chainer

    How many of you would actually wear a hl2 shirt?

    My Half-Life 2 Shirts. It may make me a geek but atleast Im being myself. :laugh: LOL :laugh: