Recent content by cleckmoon

  1. cleckmoon

    DoD:Source Video

    I like the first movie on the page. At then end, when the dude walks into the grenade and gets flung into the sandbag? That was awesome.
  2. cleckmoon


    I was really hoping this would be a serious DoD:S thread. Guess I was wrong. want a good story? I walked into the gun store one day with a buddy of mine. They had a lot of used guns, so I'm thinking, "Oh, awesome, they might have a K98". I ask if they have one. They look at me strangely...
  3. cleckmoon

    Xen crystal in Black Mesa East

    Boy, wont you be suprised when Laidlaw jumps out of a cake at the end of HL3 and goes, "SUPRISE! I pulled everything out of my ass! Have some pie", and then you grav-gun the pie, and it turns into the G-man, only he's naked and gives you a lap dance. Then you have to borrow singles from Alyx to...
  4. cleckmoon

    What is that around her neck?

    It's probably just some fun detail. CONSPIRACY: Duct Tape on the jacket! WHAT DOZ IT MEANS?!@?
  5. cleckmoon

    Another Gman Theory - But refreshingly different

    When it was advertised as 'refreshingly', I thought it would include sprite. But this is an interesting idea.
  6. cleckmoon

    This maybe the Combines true identity

    I still say that those 'autopsy combine' models look EXACTLY like the lead singer from Smashing Pumpkins.
  7. cleckmoon

    Things that make you go '000OOOOOooooooo...'

    Mine was definately when I first stepped out into the plaza, in the beginning of the game, the Citadel in veiw. I just.. Looked at it. For ten minutes. First, I was just like, "Ooh. Outdoor archetecture and atmospheric effects." Then it kinda dawned on me how familliar it looked. It reminded me...
  8. cleckmoon

    my friend pirated the game what should i do

    Just hit him with a crowbar, and scream, "YOU MAKE ALYX CRY! YOU MAKE ALYX CRY!" over and over. Poetic justice.
  9. cleckmoon

    Charlie Sheen as Gordon Freeman

    Sean Connery would be awesome as Breen, but the accent is off. "Hey! Sean! We got a part for you! Only problem is, you need to fake an american accent." "Weel, why dont "ya'll" ::quotey fingers:: go **** yourselves. In the anus. With ah crowbar." "Funny you mention crowbars... We beat...
  10. cleckmoon

    Favorite Character(not including Dog)

    What about alternate doctor bitch number 2, Judith Mossman? within the first thirty seconds of meeting her, it was just like, "You are slopily hitting on me and it is making me uncomfortable. Please stop". She was the character, that, to me, was most realistic. Even if I did hate her...
  11. cleckmoon

    Black mesa - New Mexico?

    I thought they abandoned the Area-51 site because of toxic waste...?
  12. cleckmoon

    My theories on HL:Opposing Force 2, or at least what I'd like to see *spoiler

    That's a ****ing awesome idea. I can just imagine Adrian running around with his old-ass weapons, like some lamer in CS, going 'KEKEKEKE!' and busting combine ass.
  13. cleckmoon

    Repairing What Has Been Damaged (spoilers!)

    They did it in Resident Evil, though.
  14. cleckmoon

    Repairing What Has Been Damaged (spoilers!)

    I remember going through the buggy levels, and pausing a lot to look at the countryside. It reminded me a lot of The White Cliffs of Dover. I kept thinking, 'This is where I would want to build a house one day'. And then you get pulled back to the 'reality' of the situation. Everyone who lived...
  15. cleckmoon

    Comical "Help, I'm stuck!" moments.

    Holy crap, i've been quoted again in someone's sig. ::points up at bob:: I feel so special. Now, excuse me, I have the flu, and need to be unconcious for awhile.