Recent content by CloSe2InSaNitY

  1. C

    AA and AT does not affect performance?

    let me clear some things for you. your card is out of date, and it doesnt support AA or AT thats why you don't see any frame rate drops. secondly. The better quality is just a mentaldisorder.
  2. C

    will the sticky post : ''info from valve....'' reach 1000,000 views?

    well? discuss;) TYPO SORRY
  3. C

    hl2 singleplayer video

    sweet , 510kbs
  4. C

    Doom3 > Hl2!

    your screenname says t all.. EE DIOT more like I DIOT
  5. C

    Doom3 > Hl2!

    framerates are irrelevant, buy yourself a good computer. Nvidia 6800Ultra SLI technology ( dual 6800ultra's ) and you own the framerates doom3 is set on a maximum framerate of 60FPS. but 60FPS is perfect to play on.
  6. C

    Doom3 > Hl2!

    i totally agree with you , except the part youre calling me a troll:P but indeed , someone should build nova prospekt or some indoor parts of ravenholm on the Doom3 engine. because my hopes are on the Doom3 expansion actually.
  7. C

    Doom3 > Hl2!

    The graphics of doom3 are way further sophesticated as in hl2. the lighting effects are stunning , try running doom3 and 1600x1200 at ultra settings with everything on high. using Nvidia's new SLI technologies. Halflife2 graphics dont cope with Doom3's its too bad Doom3 has a bad gameplay ...
  8. C

    Weapon Tricks

    lay down 2 objects like metalplates. the biggest one down. now stand on the smaller object , centered in the middle of the larger one. now pick up the large object. congrats u now have a slow moving hoovercraft:D
  9. C

    Anyone else feel sick?

    personally i think it has to do with the refresh rate of the screen. because there are kind of diseases that can make you bite your tong so hard that you ll bite it off. i dont know this is called.. but its caused by flashing screens, and a refreshing screen is nearly the same effect as a...
  10. C

    Anyone else feel sick?

    lol, why didnt i come up with this thread. good one. moition sickness heh? , i played for 4hours hl2 the 1st day. and my eyes were acting all weird. it was like they were rolling out of my head , i was feeling terrible sick too. and my 19'' tft isn't helping me at highest resolution.
  11. C

    Help me water hazard

    very simple , is it the red warehouse?.. with a crane in front of it.. yes?.. good.. now listen up. park you airboat. and kill a few monsters and climb up the building from the inside. remove the barrel thats blocking the crane from dropping some nice items for you. now once thats done ...
  12. C

    Poll : Should Hl² be reviewed *again*

    it wasn't , perhaps they changed it or something. perhaps they want to earase any clues of fraude.
  13. C

    Poll : Should Hl² be reviewed *again*

    Let's make a point here. Hl² is reviewed by the same reviewer was Halo² this can only mean 1 bloody thing!. 1. He is a Halo² fanboy , and doesn't want Hl² to be better. Anyway, i think reviews are way too subjective. I mean come on, they should atleast give 10 reviewers at gamespot the...
  14. C

    HL2 got 9.2 from gamespot

    i cant ****ing believe this , this is the same reviewer as the one that reviewed halo2! i demand another reviewer since he is a halo2 fanboy!!! :[
  15. C

    Predictions on GameSpot's rating?

    halo2 got a 9.6 since they dont want to have angry ppl which say false score.. blahlbah half life2 will get a 9.6 mark my words:D