Recent content by Conkorg

  1. C

    Urgent please help me with CSS Music

    Hello fellows :) I love techno music and I have some good trance only problem is playing it in CSS.... How do I play music through console in CSS? I know if you type in play music/hl2_song31.mp3 it will play one of the tracks Here are some of the good HL2 tracks you can play...
  2. C


    ye...I will we'll see what happens :)
  3. C


    yes you are :) Make that 2 people in a team =P
  4. C


    yes F.E.A.R's Engine will be good for blood. But I am just doing this for fun and to learn other things out of game developement for myself tho. I am sure people who love blood would participate in this is just for fun and i am sure people can learn alot about game develpment out of this...
  5. C


    Why I wont have a permission? I can email em and ask...I also saw Blood on Quake engine somewhere I think...
  6. C


    lolz ya I hate the Hell Hands are annoying as hell and the spiders =( lol. Wonder how they'll look on source =P
  7. C


    I love poking with pitchfork, the shotgun and the Skull Staff =P
  8. C


    ye I do, and I know it wont be playable due should not exceed 6 K polygons on 1 model. But I am just making the models too see how it would look ingame or try to imagine. This is just beginning :) Not only I am doing models but I am trying to get my skills higher cause I am still learning. Its a...
  9. C


    gr......pfftt...I already made the animated pitchfork weapon in 3ds max 5 from blood 3d....blah i really dont care about what that guy posted I am just gonna keep going :P anyway let me show u the pictchfork Sorry for the...
  10. C


    Here is a bit of modeling that i have done :) Check it =D As you can see the Left Wing is the current (new wing) while the right one is the old wing and its a comparion of detail on each side :) The left wing is NOT perfect...
  11. C


    Anyone of you guys ever played the great old Horror FPS called Blood? Well if you did then you know what it is. Well anyway I wanted to make a "total" remake of Blood into Source engine it would be very very scary and awesome. I just want to see this game in the "new gaming age" it was (and...
  12. C

    Valve wins in Vivendi lawsuit

    Yay for Vavle!
  13. C

    "The Journey of the Great Vortiguant" Help Wanted

    UPDATE - Major Website update Forum Page is now up and Team Page is now up also. Please DO NOT register on the forums until we get a new template for them and other stuff that needs to be done to the forums. NOTE - The Top banner is pixalated and will be fixed...
  14. C

    "The Journey of the Great Vortiguant" Help Wanted

    Good idea i'll think i'll do that ;) Thanks
  15. C

    "The Journey of the Great Vortiguant" Help Wanted

    Angry Lawyer - Thank you for your suggestions i appriciate :) There are alot of stuff that will be needed to be programmed. Most of em ar MP. There WILL be more than DM and TDM :) Trust me we got stuff up our sleeves :)