Recent content by Count Zero

  1. C

    Stuck in Our Benefactors Level!

    If you go to this link and go to the section for Our Benefactors, there is quite a detailed step-by-step guide for the bit where you are stuck.
  2. C

    what do you think the zombies are saying?

    It sounds like... "Why are we all dressed the same?"
  3. C

    "The very latest GPU from ATI or NVIDIA"

    Here's my understanding.. To get the most out of HDR your card needs to support SM3. If it doesn't then you can still run HDR at a reduced quality of service.
  4. C

    does with gravity gun?

    I have just started playing Doom3 and after HL2, I find that the Doom3 environment is so much less interactive than HL2. We may have reached the point in time when any game without some form of grav gun no longer cuts the mustard.
  5. C

    ATi's voucher deal with Valve, the figures

    Brand loyalty is moronic.
  6. C

    stuck copter help!!!

    At one stage in the game your airboat is fitted with a powerful gun that never runs out of ammo. It is the same sort of gun that the chopper uses. With that gun you can shoot that chopper out of the sky.... eventually. Until you get the gun just keep fleeing from the chopper as fast as you can...
  7. C


    It would sort of explain how the GMan knows every move that Gordon is going to make. For example just 5 minutes before you get the Rocket Launcher, the GMan is there talking to the guy who gives it to you. The GMan is either aware of everything that is going to happen, or he is aware of...
  8. C

    Problem with Turrets

    I never had any trouble with friendly turrets turning on me, and I carried all of the turrets with me until the end of the level. I have heard that if you leave your friendly turrets behind at a loading zone, then they turn on you, but I haven't seen that happen. Just to make sure that we are...
  9. C

    6/24/05 Steam News!

    Thanks for the info Minerel, but your statement is in direct contrast to the answers that I recieved when I asked that exact question in the following thread:
  10. C

    6/24/05 Steam News!

    If you are asking the question "does my card support HDR?", then you need to ask "does my card support SM3?".
  11. C

    Your Best + Hated Chapter's

    I already gave my favourite level in another post (it was Ravenholm btw), but the most fun that I had was with the friendly sentry guns that you get to play with in Entanglement. I loved working out how to best position them, and I also carried them all with me so that I had 8 of them in the...
  12. C

    Saving over top of other peoples games?

    My advice is to not worry about the autosaves because they are going to happen anyway, they only take up two slots and they only clobber themselves, not games that you manually save. Save your own games using the "Esc/Save Game" method when you are at a point in the game that you feel...
  13. C

    If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

    I'd go down to the local mall and join all the other zombies.
  14. C

    If you had a headcrab on your head what would you do?

    I would just act cool and make out that the "Headcrab Hat" is a fashion statement, and encourage everyone to get one.
  15. C

    Your Best + Hated Chapter's

    Loved Ravenholm and Anticitizen 1. Disliked the levels in the Citadel because they were too easy and generally tedious.