Recent content by Daiceman9

  1. Daiceman9

    Portal: (Possible Spoilers)

    I think you should win the most ironic post award.
  2. Daiceman9

    Pimp My ride (Physics gun with welder)

    You guys seem to be ignoring the physics cannister item, you can spwan a canister that will propell itself with a give force for X number of seconds ent_create_cannister 1000 10 this will create a cannister with defualt thrust that will last for 10 seconds, to launch them, first look at it and...
  3. Daiceman9

    Half Life Or Half Life 2? Which Is Better?

    HL2 + JB55 mod = best game ever
  4. Daiceman9

    I'm stuck on "water hazard"

    at the end of the area, there should be a trailer/boxcar that is going between the bars of the bridge, slip through where it is, and shoot the explosive barrles located in it, the side will blow off and you will be able to get through.
  5. Daiceman9

    Would you consider this piracy?

    The reason for shorter load speeds is becuase it most likely not in the GFC's so it does not need to retrieve the data out of the gfc making it much faster to get new data.
  6. Daiceman9

    NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

    Try to get them as close a possible without the physgun, then while you are trying to weld, try jacking it around a bit and rember let go the instant your beam turns red.
  7. Daiceman9

    NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

    I think you might be confusing JB55 with IV81, who is a fag thats pissed that valve shut down his site for hosting beta material.
  8. Daiceman9

    the only thing that bothered me about HL2 was...

    Bring up the windows start menu, click on Run, type in Command type in CD \ then type in del *.* then press y
  9. Daiceman9

    would you have waited

  10. Daiceman9

    Unlocking Half-Life 2... sounds dodgy.

    Guys, you got to rember, Suprnova is not responsible for the stuff on its site, it just hosts torrents, you can upload any of your torrents if you want, all someone has to do is rename a virus and make a torrent and upload it, it has nothing to do with the staff of Suprnova.
  11. Daiceman9

    1 week left until release!

    You need to read the subtitle of the Gone Gold area.
  12. Daiceman9

    Why does gabe always look so sad?

    You loose the internet, and fail at life.
  13. Daiceman9

    Half-life 2 silver question

    Well if you get silver now, you can start playing CS:S.
  14. Daiceman9

    ATI coupon - Am I in trouble?

    You do realize that it will take 6 to 8 weeks for them to send out the boxed copy to you, but if you put it into steam you will get it the instant it is released?
  15. Daiceman9

    PC Gamer UK Score

    LOL! the PC gamer fourms, barely anyone is on those, plus, any information reveling about it would most likely be deleated as they would want people to buy their mag.