Recent content by Dracarys

  1. D

    Check out this guy's Halloween Costume

    Those are models straight from hl2 rendered w/ HDR in 3dsmax. You can't be very intelligent if you actually believed him. They aren't even his pics; someone else (on the gmod forums) made them.
  2. D

    The glowing bolt in the crossbow - what the...?

    Possibly half 'heat does more damage,' and half the 'hey, cool! I impaled the guy with a red-hot piece of rebar!' factor. Both are good reasons. Also, the string thingie IS used, just very fast. It'd take a magnet far too large to hold (and one that would also attract all metal in a huge radius...
  3. D

    Garry's Mod Version 8 Release

    First: Most features are there. The normal weapons have been put back, and you have to use the spawn menu (Q) to switch to them. They're all based on the crossbow, so I'm sure they work underwater. Second: Some features are missing. v8 is redone from scratch based on hl2dm instead of hl2, so...
  4. D

    Malign Contingency

    Heehee, this is great. Can't wait for more!
  5. D

    Office Chronicles

    Sounds good, but don't let them distract you too much. I'm surprised at how good these are, especially compared to most other garry's mod stuff. Keep it up!
  6. D

    Alyx and Freeman???

    Everyone beat it and is now milling around wondering what to do next. As terribly formatted, phrased, spelled, puntuated, grammaticized as that is, he has a point. In hl1, ther eIS a photo in your locker. Can someone dredge up a screenie to confirm who/what it's a photo OF?
  7. D

    Alyx and Freeman???

    Eli was significantly older (50 vs 20, maybe?) than gordon at black mesa, and gained another ten during stasis.
  8. D

    Will Valve replace Havoc with Novadex for HL3?

    Congratulations, you've missed the point. And the apostrophes, but that's another rant. The point of the card is to do PHYSICS CALCULATIONS. It has almost NOTHING to do with graphics. READ THE FSCKING ARTICLE! </pissed-off-rant>
  9. D

    Half-Life 2: Random Map Creator

    Latest version sees my hl2 install, but it still can't tell that I have the sdk downloaded. <:(
  10. D

    How much would you pay for Aftermath?

    well, then vote!
  11. D


    I guess it's that occasional bit of wildlife with some shard of metal stuck in it from who knows when ;)
  12. D

    Anyone using AOL silver?

    I disagree with you on all points. Upspeed is only very important if you're running a server; as a client, downspeed has the greatest impact. Also, ping varies widely depending on the server's connection and location relative to you, not just your connection. And AOHELL deserves to be called...
  13. D

    zombie script

    :angry: Geek speak = incomprehensible due to complexity, not stupidity. That's just a hella stupid guy, no geek.
  14. D


    Myself, I'd like to try out some new vehicles. Rescuing the buggy would be cool, but driving a combine APC and/or helicopter would own
  15. D

    Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?

    Wait a minute... someone says 'so-and-so said so, we're playing as gordon' and everyone believes him? What the hell? We haven't even been given the quote in question, let alone a source!