Recent content by Earl Danish

  1. Earl Danish

    Half-Life 2 High-Resolution Characters Skinpack

    interesting idea - especially considering the originals were already pretty damn hi-res.. shame it came out.. a bit too synthetic, symmetrical and shiny.. almost like mannequins - a great effort but i would add some wear and tear/blemishes. more organic. to me, the fact that people can spend...
  2. Earl Danish

    Weekly Steam News (29/07/05)

    Donkey, stick, carrot.. Now children - can we all say it together? Who has bought their nice shiny new ATi gfx card like a good little donkey? Soon as that counter hits the right sales figure on X800s or whatever - valve will release it.. So everyone - BUY MORE GFX CARDS!!! Yeah!!!! errr...
  3. Earl Danish


  4. Earl Danish


    This is a question I would still like to know the real answer to. Specifically - what has been changed other than the very generic 'game'. Shoddy info from valve there - very shoddy indeed.
  5. Earl Danish EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

    imho VU=Rock EA=Hard place either way - so what?
  6. Earl Danish

    Live 8 | Skeptical?

    LIVE8 - purpose: to quell the herd ahead of the G8 summit. (not that they need it)
  7. Earl Danish

    Anyone got some good action music?

    give me 3000 euros and i'll give you some ideas.
  8. Earl Danish

    Anti-citizen Four

    cool - i like that part too :E - thanks to everyone for the comments.. another part is being formulated - i will post it here when it's done. as i am getting ready to emigrate at the moment, it may be a little while before it gets done - but all good things etc..
  9. Earl Danish

    Gorillaz - Demon Days

    k - im going now - back to reality before i leave something on these pages i really regret.
  10. Earl Danish

    Gorillaz - Demon Days

    it will :]
  11. Earl Danish

    Musical Virus Alert

    Reuters 13:43PM USK Report by Earl Danish. ‘Crazy Frog’ is a eardrum-aware audible worm that exploited a well-known vulnerability (in human brains) to infect thousands of people in May 2005. Symptoms in particularly bad cases include extreme annoyance and pointlessly aggresive outbursts...
  12. Earl Danish

    Gorillaz - Demon Days

    probly because it was very different - purely due to the lineup changes.. but i like that, keeping it fresh etc. while sticking to the gorillaz vibe. anyway sorry about the coldplay question - you got dragged into a stupid argument that i was having with someone else.
  13. Earl Danish

    Gorillaz - Demon Days

    fair enough - i understand that completely. last time i heard a coldplay track was an accident. but only one good track on Demon Days?? come on now..
  14. Earl Danish

    Gorillaz - Demon Days

    yeh found out last nite that dan the automator is gone as well... :rolling: still - an excellent collection of stuff though - even more fun in some ways than the last album imo - props to gorillaz! PS - 'Dare' is going to be massive. oh and the London gospel choir at the end is so good...
  15. Earl Danish

    What is up with peoples Music Taste?

    so that's a 'no' then.