Recent content by Earthdeath

  1. Earthdeath


    sure is.or he/she is using a mod or illegaly downloaded file.
  2. Earthdeath


    you walk into it..if that doesnt work, are you using cheats?or is it a illegal version? (downloaded from a website other than steam)
  3. Earthdeath

    Unexplained Half-Life Mysteries

    yeah, alyx has been known to wink at times, but i dont think any other characters are meant to.
  4. Earthdeath

    That it, I'm ending this right now

    i would like to see them implement shepard into Ep3.Better still, they could add him as a playable character in DM.
  5. Earthdeath'd give 400$ to kick this guy in the nuts

    well, im not religous, but i agree with you.that bastard has no right to insult and critisize other peoples beliefs, and should be punished.if he was where my dad is, hed be dead by now for saying that.
  6. Earthdeath

    HL2 improvements..

    well, one day when they FINALLY relaes EP3, they might have fixed that.maybe they will put a random rope on the borealis for you to test it.but still, if they did that, an idiot would manage o get themselves tied up and go complaining to valve tha their game is unfair, causing them to be sued or...
  7. Earthdeath

    Unexplained Half-Life Mysteries

    spoiler What happend to barney at the end of EP1?you see him on the train, and never again.but he was meant to be in EP2, as you can hear his voice after the strider batt.le saying "good job Gordon" but hes nowhere to be found.So where is he and why did they cut him from EP2?
  8. Earthdeath

    HL2 improvements..

    im goig to download that when they looks awesome! as for changing things in HL2, most of those are just minor problems and no-one really cares about them.i dont think valve would spend a couple of hours re-writing hundreds of lines if code to stop the rope going through a tree.
  9. Earthdeath

    Half Life vs Half Life 2

    neither in my opinion.they both rocked.
  10. Earthdeath

    Most Illegal Thing you've ever done

    several years ago, i shot a squadmate for attempting to steal my car.
  11. Earthdeath

    Apocalypse By Portal Gun

    well, first things first, how does the portal gun work?they never say how so i guess we can assume that that would work, but the portal might hit something on the way, say the earths atmosphere.but it probably would happen.
  12. Earthdeath

    How much do you work out?

    i used to be really unfit at know, full couch potato?i nearly died in the first year of training exersizes.seriously, it nearly kiled me.
  13. Earthdeath

    How much do you work out?

    what makes you think everone pays attention in english??Plus, its not llike it really matters.and im not a general, and Maj Genral issnt one either, its 2 ranks below general, which i will never get to because we already have to damned many.oh, and the reason im not bothering with grammar is...
  14. Earthdeath

    How much do you work out?

    really?just what do you find so hard to believe?i love half life so here i am.(yes, i know i should grow out of games by 36!)
  15. Earthdeath

    How much do you work out?

    you forget im in england, my money is doubled in america, plus im a high rank.(Brigadier) in the UK 1 more promotion and ill be a Maj General.