Recent content by etzel90

  1. etzel90

    Team Fortress 2 Blog Update: Guard Dog

    Im sitting here thinking how cool would valve be if they somehow made this a reality. I know it's a long shot and it would amaze the hell outta me.
  2. etzel90

    Crash Course Info and WTF

    I wonder if they disable voice chat when playing celebs. Or do they get to hear all the smack talking and ignorant racism that goes on during multiplayer games.
  3. etzel90

    It's a Plane

    Your link to Xbox talking about playing Paramore in Left 4 Dead sounds fishy. Sounds to me that only those chosen will be able to play crash course. Hope i'm wrong.
  4. etzel90

    Get yer backpacks out!

    Deleted all my duplicates. I know its boring.......and just like most people hats!
  5. etzel90

    Hat Poll

    I play an average of 2 hours a night. I have no hats. I feel like valve forgot about me.
  6. etzel90

    Follow Freeman

    Its more like W > Ctrl > Space
  7. etzel90

    Question about de_aztec...

    Or if you like ATI radeon cards, go for a X800XT. They're about $100 now. Its a very good card for the price.
  8. etzel90

    Counter-Strike Source bug...

    its called deathbeam, disable it like giant said above. You have to do it on every server you play on that as it running.
  9. etzel90

    Half-life 2 and source games video problems

    I would uninstall all ATI driver off your PC and all the ATI folders. Then do a fresh install of new updated drivers. Make sure you restart your computer after uninstall. I have an ATI radeon X800XT and windows vista and everything runs fine!
  10. etzel90

    Resolution issues

    also update your video card drivers to see it that helps
  11. etzel90

    CS:S problem?

    eMachine huh? Make sure you dont have anything else running in the background. Last emachine i saw, i reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled windows because of all the crap the computer comes with.
  12. etzel90

    Why is CS the only game that unbinds my keys...

    Maybe server admins are messing with you.
  13. etzel90

    omg i cant find it!!

    If youre trying to make a spray for source, it converts it for you in the options.
  14. etzel90

    So. . . much. . .truth

  15. etzel90

    What video card do you guys use for SOURCE

    ATI Radeon x800xt. Never had any issues runing at 1680 x 1050, everything on high.