Recent content by Exploder

  1. Exploder

    Is this common?

    Irksome, you're an idiot. There's just no way around it. You could have created something beautiful with your religion but instead you're acting like a brainwashed jerk.
  2. Exploder

    OH GOD No...

    Damn man... I wouldn't be able to handle something like that. I hope you won't be too traumatized by it. Good luck.
  3. Exploder

    God bless WoW it saved this boys life....

    Of course I know about this story, but it's fun to see it across the world. I love the comments page. Here's my favorite: "Well in all honesty.. when the hunter feigns death, all the aggro should have gone to his pet (in this case his sister!!) Maybe the moose was bugged!!"
  4. Exploder

    Possiblity: Human evolution is getting faster

    I hate it when you can't have a intelligent discussion about a subject because you're too brainwashed to respond rationally. You're a good example. It's funny that you haven't replied yet. Anyway, the link is borked, it has been removed. Human evolution is a pretty big subject. I could guess...
  5. Exploder

    Drunken purchases!

    What's the problem? Are you suffering from paranoia?
  6. Exploder

    Post Your Desktop

    Ennui, that's a very powerful wallpaper. What's the situation in the picture?
  7. Exploder

    Your native language

    My native language is Norwegian but I love English... so I'm all covered. Swedish and Danish is doable as well. I've tried German and French as well but they both suck... sorry about that my dear French and Germans :D
  8. Exploder

    Computer monitors?

    The 226CW is slightly better and shouldn't cost much more than the standard 226BW. Samsung released the 226CW in response to the S A and C fiasco and at the same time improved the color gamut with the 226CW.
  9. Exploder

    Hello ppls

    Welcome, apparently it's safer here!
  10. Exploder

    I want to play piano

    I also want to play the piano but I can't at the moment since I still live with my parents. I want to play something like My Heart Will Go On... it sounds phenomenal on a piano, it makes me tear-eyed sometimes.
  11. Exploder

    Post Your Desktop

    I like it.
  12. Exploder

    RIAA sues single mother $222,000

    That doesn't justify the 222 thousand dollars she has to pay. You're out of your mind if you think so.
  13. Exploder

    So Who Here Drinks?

    Let's see, sometimes in the weekends I consume alcohol with my friends. I was actually out this last weekend and the weekend before. It was never my intention to party last weekend because I drank too much the weekend before and spent more than 3 hours in the bathroom trying to survive. It...
  14. Exploder

    Critique my system! (and newegg mail-in rebates)

    Did you check out the P182? I don't think you did since you went for the 900 case. You could always let a pro do it for a cheap buck. That way you'll get a warranty if anything goes wrong because of a bad setup.