Recent content by Falcon(Nate)

  1. Falcon(Nate)

    Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer Released

    I'm liking the in-engine trailer trend that's been happening lately, at least with Blizzard and Valve.
  2. Falcon(Nate)

    Portal 2 DLC Due This Summer

    I know the reasoning behind Valve not charging for things like maps and game content over the years because I've followed them for quite a while, read interviews, seen how they handle updates, etc. All of the goodwill and publicity they get from doing things like the TF2 updates all this time...
  3. Falcon(Nate)

    Portal 2 DLC Due This Summer

    I could see some "redirecting of gels" puzzles in areas where there aren't portal surfaces, but that's only if the diversity vents weren't so powerful that they'd just suck the gel in instead of changing its trajectory. They already have plenty of elements to mix, though, so I'm not too broken...
  4. Falcon(Nate)

    Portal 2 - Valve's Last Isolated Single-player?

    I'm the complete opposite. Whereas growing up I didn't have many friends that I could co-op through games on the consoles (NES/SNES/etc.), once I got to university I had way too many people to play games with. There are a group of us that met at uni that gaming is one of the ways we still hang...
  5. Falcon(Nate)

    Portal 2 Released!

    Check your mat_picmip value in the console, Darkside. For some reason, that's been resetting to 1 for some users on map loads which is resulting in the blurry textures. If you're using "High" texture settings it should be setting to -1. Go ahead and change it manually to -1 and you should see a...
  6. Falcon(Nate)

    Kim Swift Leaves Valve for Airtight

    Sounds to me like she got the opportunity to be a team lead and jumped on it.
  7. Falcon(Nate) Site Layout Update

    So, Yorick, some constructive criticism: The new design looks great. Very clean, the colors go well together. Very nice job! However, it's 2009 and the table-based layout is going to be a pain in the butt the next time (if) you guys do a redesign. Any particular reasons you guys didn't do the...
  8. Falcon(Nate)

    Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Released!

    My impressions (played on PC): Source is aging beautifully. The character models all look great, especially in the faces, which look more alive this time around than in L4D1. They've struck an amazing balance with the eyes as well, which I think has a lot to do with it. Facial expressions are...
  9. Falcon(Nate) Updates from Valve's Presentation at E3

    Yeah, I was definitely hoping for some Episode 3 news as well. I really hope we get release date info soon. I would love for Valve to do another "Box" but I think expecting that is setting yourself up for disappointment.
  10. Falcon(Nate)

    Anyone got Level 18 Advanced without taking down turrets?

    Yes, I did 18 advanced without messing with the turrets. I put a portal high up on the wall facing the small section of floor at water-level, then one on the wall next to me. I jumped through the portal, which sent me toward that floor. While falling, I shot two portals, one right underneath...
  11. Falcon(Nate)

    Patch Question

    The easiest way is to use the Steam backup game feature. Backup Half-Life 2, CS:Source, HL2:DM or whatever games you're going to be playing to a shared directory. Have everyone purchase their games and get the Steam updates (but not install the games) then have them use the game backup files...
  12. Falcon(Nate)

    Music copyright?

    IIRC, that exact spot never made it into the game anyway. It was proof of concept stuff. The AI was unfinished at that point, and we all know that the game wasn't even close to being finished. In Ravenholm, if you block a door in a certain spot the zombies come crashing through a window in...
  13. Falcon(Nate)

    Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta

    Of course they'll update the player models... One of the DOD guys worked on CS:Source animations. I'm pretty sure their whole team was brought over to get CS:Source ready for launch, which meant the entire time they worked on that they didn't get to work on DOD:S. I remember him commenting...
  14. Falcon(Nate)

    How do I uninstall aoutomatic updates? Is it even possible?

    Get the latest drivers from for your Audigy 2 ZS (use their auto-update feature on their web site, it's super easy.) Download your latest vid drivers from The drivers you need should be clearly marked... Any time you have a problem with an application...
  15. Falcon(Nate) giving me virus warnings

    I just updated to SP2 tonight. I had been reluctant to update to SP2 after admins installed it at work and a few programs stopped working. However, I had every other Windows Update installed. After installing SP2 I cannot get the Virtumondo registry key malware to come back, although...