Recent content by FireCrack

  1. FireCrack

    Could Kliener possibly be reverse-engineering something...???

    Personaly I have no doubt that a nuke would effect a citadel, though it would have to be detonated properly to do so, a detonation directly above the citadel (most nukes use an airburst to maximise thir damage no normal, earth structures) may gut the upper interior with that expensivce dark...
  2. FireCrack

    a question about the end of hl2

    Well.. the diference between breen and gordan & alyx is that breen is engulfed in a big firey explosion while the latter are not...
  3. FireCrack

    Who needs Gordon when you have...

    Actualy, considering it's garrysmod... :rolleyes:
  4. FireCrack

    lost weapons

    ^The retail game, where they exist.
  5. FireCrack

    Wish DOG stayed on longer.

    I think dog is a crappy character personaly.
  6. FireCrack

    Thats no way to hide!

    umm... ok...
  7. FireCrack

    Stuck P 96?of Prima guide

    Yeah, theres a button in the tower that opens the gates, also, use the tower guns to kill the helicopter if you havent yet.
  8. FireCrack

    Jump to next level for airboat gun??

    I dont know the command, so do this... look at the boat pen console type "ent_setname boat" and press enter type "ent_fire boat " dont press enter, instead press the down arrow until you find somthing that looks like it would put a gun on the bat then press enter. Repeat if...
  9. FireCrack

    Just me...shamelessly raping the source engine

    Looks like an overgrown black headcrab.
  10. FireCrack

    Combine and Xen Connection (A long, Comprehensive Theory of evererything HL)

    IMO blue shift absolutley blew compared to opfor. Unless you wre being sarcastic.
  11. FireCrack

    Father Gregori. (spoilers)

    In my game when the gas tanks exploded griggs jumped ibnto the explosion just to show how tough it is. THen he, while on fire, but he didnt care becasue he's that toucugh. Walked up to a zombie and allowed it to slasg him in the face to show his toucghness before systematicaly blowing the heads...
  12. FireCrack

    Mech's Become Reality -FRIGIN AWESOME-

    I dunno about you guys but i'm gonna pull the BS card on this one. Either way, it's not realy a mech at all, just an outrageously innefecent wheeled vehicle. Note it's feet "roll" across the ground.
  13. FireCrack

    Theories: Who is the G-Man?

    Gordon freeman is a pawn on the g-mans intergalactic chess tournament.
  14. FireCrack

    Adrian Shepard

    except less corney.