Recent content by forg0tt3n

  1. forg0tt3n

    gman Spotted (not in intro)

    Coincidence i think not, on closer inspection you can see a red tie, its definetely him :) Oh yeah you can see this ingame just up the stairs from the electric water puzzle whilst alyx is fighting zombies in the hospital.
  2. forg0tt3n

    gman Spotted (not in intro)

    i posted this in another thread but i think it deserves its own as it's kind of weird. In this image of a photo you can see what i think is the gman if you zoom in you can even see him holding the handle of his suitcase, there is another person in the image but i dont know who that is.
  3. forg0tt3n

    No GMan sightings?

    found one! Ok so i think this is a first sigthing, i'm sure there are more i was shocked when i saw this, it's him allright, in the hospital just after the water puzzle whilst alyx is fighting zombies.
  4. forg0tt3n


    ohhh sorry, rush of the moment to tell everyone refused to let me use the search bar.
  5. forg0tt3n

    WindowsVista For all you longhorn geeks, this is gold...though vista????? Volunteers In Service To No more longhorn, it's officially called windows vista!
  6. forg0tt3n

    Would you like a different intro/outro for HL2?

    what im confused????
  7. forg0tt3n

    Cant update bios

    My advice would be not to update the bios unless something is wrong unnecesary bios updates are a waste of time and not worth the risk, i tried to update my bios once and it failed and i had to send my computer in for replacement, not good
  8. forg0tt3n

    Problem downloading

    Don't please don't or microsoft will get you!!!!!
  9. forg0tt3n

    Unusual Problem

    Me conquers + Refers to previous post
  10. forg0tt3n

    Problem downloading

    What browser are u using?
  11. forg0tt3n

    Unusual Problem

    lol, allways the first reply "reformat", never necesary unless ur too stupid to leave the system files alone. Try removing any software that might conflict like GUI programs such as style xp. I would suggest downloading Tune Up Utilities and using 1-click-maintenance that should find any system...
  12. forg0tt3n

    Instant On OS

    how long do macs usually take to boot????
  13. forg0tt3n

    Instant On OS

    Excluding the Bios loading and POST, do you think in the next version of windows there will be "Instant On" functionality I've heard some rumours and unconfirmed talk that longhorn will have instant on, meaning you dont have to wait through the windows loading process Anyone know if this...
  14. forg0tt3n

    None of my Source based games working!

    Try verifying your game files after a fresh install.... goto the XP run dialogue and type in steam://validate/220 - HL² SP steam://validate/320 - CS:S If that doesnt work check your hard drive for corruption using CHKDSK /F If that don't work not sure what to do???
  15. forg0tt3n

    Microsoft Fingerprint Reader

    The Microsoft Fingerprint reader is designed to relieve the hassle of constantly typing usernames and password combinations to password protected website accounts or applications. It is not intended to replace passwords only offer a better medium of inputting them. More information at...