Recent content by Freelancer

  1. F

    Preventing map from showing the map?

    Not many (if any) know what I speak of, here is a screenshot, sorry for not posting screenshot before.
  2. F

    Custom sounds doesn't play for the client?

    SoundScapes aren't going to work. And I knew this from the beginning because I need to make the sound turn off / on and move. Ambient Generics is perfect for it. Still it just won't play for most players!
  3. F

    Lost Coast materials in DoD:S?

    Extract the textures and add them to the DoD:S folder under materials, then change the path in the .vmt After that you need to add the textures in a .res file. Oh, and hi Pvt Ryan! :P
  4. F

    Custom sounds doesn't play for the client?

    ...But you can't parent it to the radio?
  5. F

    Custom sounds doesn't play for the client?

    I use ambient to make a radio emitt sound in the map.
  6. F

    Preventing map from showing the map?

    So you say I should add lots and lots of hours of work to make new corridors to move it above? :|
  7. F

    Custom sounds doesn't play for the client?

    One guy heard it the first time he played the map. The others never hear it, even with a whole PC reboot! And yes I've got the sounds correctly placed. It's just that random peoples can hear it while most of them can't and never will.
  8. F

    Warming: Too many light styles on a face!?

    But they are so few...
  9. F

    Preventing map from showing the map?

    Whaat? You changed subject, no no no I mean if you stand on the ground and look up you will see corridors and shit. The skybox isn't blocking them to be seen
  10. F

    Warming: Too many light styles on a face!?

    I didn't understand so much of it. But I don't have any *styles* , all I got is lights turnining off on map spawn and turning on when you trigger it , once.
  11. F

    Preventing Player From Steering An Jeep

    Holy cow! I'll check them, never tried to make any jeep ever before. I only know some of the inputs it has.
  12. F

    Preventing Player From Steering An Jeep

    I got this Batmobile car idea, you fall down and as soon as you get close to the car you will trigger an trigger that makes !player enter vehicle, and the car will turn on and set it's forward trust to something nice and fast. But if the player steers to the left / right it will ruin the...
  13. F

    Preventing map from showing the map?

    But there should be a way. what if the player flyes up to the sky and screams "Eeek map in the sky cool lawl"
  14. F

    Warming: Too many light styles on a face!?

    o_O But I got 3 blinking lights and the rest is unnamed lights spread out all over the map. But it doesn't seem to do any harm. Plus now I seem to have a leak I can't find how hard I look...and the pointfile doesnt show me.
  15. F

    Preventing map from showing the map?

    I got a skybox but if you look through it you will see the map. Is there a way to prevent map from being seen when you look at the skybox?