Recent content by fuzzy_aus

  1. fuzzy_aus

    If you knew you would get away with it...

    No one deserves to die. No matter what they have done or to who they have done it. By the way, I can't believe some of you crazy countries still have capital punishment. Terrible.
  2. fuzzy_aus

    Weekly Steam News (6/05/05)

    Why does the Silenced M4A1 have a muzzle flash? I was under the impression that had been removed in Source....?
  3. fuzzy_aus

    Foolproof Plan:

    Religeon destroys braincells.
  4. fuzzy_aus

    Life is......

  5. fuzzy_aus


    Not to much camo gear though, or else im gonna be blasting away walls just in case...
  6. fuzzy_aus

    Perfect Dark HL2 UPDATE! And VIDEO!

    2 of them...hmmm...thats no good. They should join together. Both of them are never going to make it.
  7. fuzzy_aus

    WW2 hl1 mod in 10 days

    LOL. Awesome idea, keep the updates coming. Your a one man team buddy!
  8. fuzzy_aus

    China's Military Build Up

    Sorry? What are you saying? Looks to me like some rampant racism around here. Sure Chinas government is still a bit of a dictatorship, but its an open, happy, prosperous country. There is not going to be some kind of all out nuke war, no one is that stupid. If China start getting stupid...
  9. fuzzy_aus

    What will you crazy teenagers think of next?

    Yes, your country has serious issues with laws/responsibilites. *filing a lawsuit against the city of Orlando and the private garage owner* When will people learn that that does not solve all problems. "ahhh, i fell over on the sidewalk, quick, gotta sue someone/something.
  10. fuzzy_aus

    Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

    Releasing two maps is a good idea. But it may have the problem of dividing up people and confusing them. Maybe you should release one before the other or something. I dont know...
  11. fuzzy_aus


    Should be a few entrances, Can't have to many choke points in DM.
  12. fuzzy_aus


    Look below the writing on the hl2world download page. I didnt notice it for ages as well. Its blue, and says "download".
  13. fuzzy_aus

    Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

    I reckon, we need more good maps. Those normal 2 are getting dull! Go go go, beta test like you've never beta tested before!!
  14. fuzzy_aus

    Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

    Awww that sucks man. Maybe you could talk to him and do a collaboration job or something. Or, better still, start doing another goldeneye map!!! Map looks amazing by the way, looking forward to a release. How smooth does it run?
  15. fuzzy_aus

    Spawning npcs, require help

    Woo, awesome stuff guys. Lets see some more pics. :)