Recent content by gamerjunior

  1. G


    the nickbot might be pretty stupid, but when i use him, i kick ass. everytime i use him, i get all the rewards, such as witch hunter and tank slayer.......
  2. G

    One of the L4D characters will die in the upcoming DLC

    personally, im a bill fan and i think hes done too much to die now, i mean, he fought in vietnam, twice, and survived a zombie apocalypse.. i really think that louis will die because hes the one with no attitude and starts to scream help even when hes not beying attacked by zombies... so i think...
  3. G

    Left 4 Dead 2 stories

    :sniper::sniper::sniper:i dont know who you guys are, but anyways, i have a story too about l4d2. so i was in the dead center finale, and although i didnt realize it, a charger was after me since i started the finale, so when i took the blue car from the spot it was at, i started the car and ran...