Recent content by GhostFox

  1. GhostFox

    Pissed at Canadian Government

    To be perfectly honest I think Harper is a putz and have no interest in him running the country. His major platform used to be democratic reform, which he has cut, so I don't see him bringing anything new to the table. I used to like Paul Martin, but when he became PM he had his body stolen...
  2. GhostFox

    Manufacturing the war on terror

    So it was non-Germans who voted the Nazi party into power then? A recent poll showed that over a quarter of russians would vote for Stalin if he were alive today. The "no power" part of your statement could quickly vanish.
  3. GhostFox

    Manufacturing the war on terror

    Pretty much every conclusion drawn in it.
  4. GhostFox

    Manufacturing the war on terror

    You didn't answer my question. Should everyone believe something based of inane conjecture and baseless supposition simply because someone decides to make a film out of it?
  5. GhostFox

    Manufacturing the war on terror

    If I make a movie stating that Cheetos are the rulers of Earth, should we all start bowing down to them?
  6. GhostFox

    Sanitizing Hollywood, one DVD at a time

    I agree, but I still don't understand how a minor civil matter is connected to fundementalist religious groups.
  7. GhostFox

    Sanitizing Hollywood, one DVD at a time

    Wasn't it Titanic that started this whole thing? The studio released a boobless version of the film or something? Realistically, it seems like they must be violating copyright law in this situation, unless they are getting permission from the studio. Though I don't understand how this legal...
  8. GhostFox

    the 51st state: Saudi Isrealia

    Ah...Israel the rogue state. The laughs in this place are non-stop.
  9. GhostFox

    Ban the guns

    England has one of the highest violent crime rates in the developed world. Many times that of the US rate. Yet England has very strict gun control laws. I'm not saying that I know the answer. But from your argument it doesn't appear that you do either.
  10. GhostFox

    Scandal anger mounts in Canada

    *cough* FLQ *cough* And I did not say peaceful. I said happy. Different cultures can't live together and be happy. One side will always get the shaft. A majority of people in Quebec don't consider themselves Canadian. Do you consider that a sucessful relationship? *EDIT* Quebec...
  11. GhostFox

    Scandal anger mounts in Canada

    True, but right now we have no choice of good govt. We can choose between the Conservatives who stand for nothing anymore, the Mob (aka the liberals) or the Crazy Socialist Party (good ole NDP). God help us all if the socialists get in, but luckily they have no chance. The Mob has no chance for...
  12. GhostFox

    Scandal anger mounts in Canada

    Quebec deserves to be and will some day be its own nation. The francophone culture is just too different to coexist happily with the rest of english Canada. Either the Canadian govt. will have to stamp out the french culture and make the people of Quebec actually Canadian, or Quebec will seceed...
  13. GhostFox

    Must See

    I don't think he does either.
  14. GhostFox

    The reason behind 911?

    Nope. ;)
  15. GhostFox

    Micael Moore's Minutemen

    Sure, but how long before he realizes how delicious PB is and how stupid his religion was from restricting it. Liberty is a quality inherent in all humanity. Sometimes people just need some help finding their way.