Recent content by Goatman88

  1. G

    O M F G.

    Itd be cool if it was real but I doubt it is.
  2. G

    Google Maps

    Actually even on keyhole, Area 51 is just a big white circle.
  3. G

    Google Maps

    Download Keyhole from and you can see anywhere in the world.
  4. G

    gun fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute

    not sure but it would own if they made a paintball version. Itd be great for scenario games as an objective to capture and use. But thatd sure hurt toget hit with 1 million paintballs at the same time.
  5. G

    What have games done for you?

    Games and real research have made me a weapons expert, especially in WWII weapons. I know how to load, fire, and strip an M16 and Ive never even held one in real life. Several years of playing CS, both Battlefield games, both Half-Lifes, CoD, and Americas Army has taught me how to always aim for...
  6. G

    WW2 hl1 mod in 10 days

    Very good for just 10 days! You should register the program and make a full WWII mod. Doubt itd be near as good as DoD but itd still work.
  7. G

    gun fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute

    I think itll be used to blow up missiles in mid-air and stuff. Maybe used against fighter jets. But-could it kill Superman?
  8. G

    gun fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute

    lol...I wonder what kind of ammo it uses?
  9. G

    gun fires 1,000,000 rounds per minute

    Wow...I bet you could do some good hunting with this gun!
  10. G

    Soldier Concept

    really cool! Looks like some futuristic soldier cyborg from 2100 or something. Great job.
  11. G

    Best Guitar player?

    James Taylor is a good acoustic guitarist. Hes more country sounding, but id consider him classic rock. Jimi Hendrix is also excellent on electric guitar. Those arent all my fave guitarists, nor is James Taylor in the top 3 but theyre still good.
  12. G

    What makes good music good music?

    I just beat Medal of Honor-Pacific Assault and i LOVED the soundtrack. The music made me think about what it really was like to fight in WWII or in any war.
  13. G

    Some of my music

    Out of the 3 I listened to, I thoguht they were very good. I like how it uses a bit of techno/trance/rap beats/rock all kinda mxed into one.
  14. G

    Worst music genre?

    Unfourtunately, I live in Texas, so I have to listen to country ALOT because my parents always play it. I prefer 60s-80s rock.
  15. G

    Todays music

    Ya I think its up to us to bring back good music.