Recent content by Gordon_X

  1. Gordon_X

    Happy Birthday Evo (You old dirty bastard!)

    Happy birthday.
  2. Gordon_X

    I'm only here because it's familiar (come in for graphs and shit)

    I enjoyed the graphs very much. I love the mod graph. :p
  3. Gordon_X

    Auto Updates: Annoying?

    NO. I <3 Steam and the updates.
  4. Gordon_X

    Apple iTouch & iPhone

    Get an iTouch, then buy the cheapest phone you can find. There you have a cheap iPhone.
  5. Gordon_X

    Need help with instaling problems.

    For the CPU fan. Try and get another one.
  6. Gordon_X

    Advance Wars 4 to be set on Earth?!

    The 2nd and the 3rd were the best. Not digging the current one.
  7. Gordon_X

    Your first posts
  8. Gordon_X

    How much fast food

    Fast food, I mean. lol XD
  9. Gordon_X

    Find Chuck Norris

    Tried that a few days ago.
  10. Gordon_X

    How much fast food

    I eat maybe once every two weeks.
  11. Gordon_X

    French guys do pull-ups on very high crane

    I can't believe they fell!
  12. Gordon_X


    Yeah that's a great site.
  13. Gordon_X

    Help me find my new directx 10 card

    8800GT is your best bet.
  14. Gordon_X

    Half-Life 2 for a Friend

    You will appreciate the story more if you play HL1 first.
  15. Gordon_X

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    It doesn't mean that they aren't a necessity in every FPS.