Recent content by Grodan Freechman

  1. Grodan Freechman

    Possible New Assistants For Gordon Freeman

    Miles "Tails" Powers Barney Fife Navi - "Hey!! Listen!" Falco The russian guy from Armageddon Hulk Hogan Cortana (Halo series)
  2. Grodan Freechman

    Gabe Newell sold his soul to the G Man

    I fully support the NWO, but I don't think that sting and the rest of the wolfpack should have branched of the original.
  3. Grodan Freechman


    Yeah. he left that baseball arena and was all like "Thissss is where I gettt off...."
  4. Grodan Freechman


    FlashForward anyone? I sort of like it so far. I'm 80% sure the guy they saw in the baseball stadium was the G-man.
  5. Grodan Freechman

    When do you expect VALVe to break their ridiulously long silence on Episode Three?

    They'll probably release it on December 21, 2012
  6. Grodan Freechman


    I don't know if it was a book or short story or anything beforehand (the new movie is my first exposure) but it looks really good. The story sounds great and I love the trailers - just the commercials for MNU. Anyone have an opinion?
  7. Grodan Freechman

    The Old Republic

    Anyone see that sick trailer? Definitely looks like it'll be worth it.
  8. Grodan Freechman

    EP3 Wait?

    Climb in a cryogenic chamber and I'll wake you when it's released. No more bitching and moaning? Ok then.
  9. Grodan Freechman

    What do you think , what does Gordon's voice like?

    I think Gordon is a parseltongue
  10. Grodan Freechman

    Highway 17 Buggy Window Jump Problem

    "I have the Xbox.." That's where I stopped.
  11. Grodan Freechman

    Gina Cross and Colette Green

    Which aren't Canon out of bs, opposing force, decay...? I forget.
  12. Grodan Freechman

    Gordon Freeman lookalikes

    My pic/avatar thing. Hugh laureigh.
  13. Grodan Freechman

    Where did the first crowbar come from?

    Honestly, I have to say, just because we have no freedom of choice in this game series and every event is sort of set up to happen, the G-man probably set the crowbar for Gordon to find. He probably created the first crowbar ever.
  14. Grodan Freechman

    The Employers revealed in Ep3?

    ^ nah.
  15. Grodan Freechman

    The Employers revealed in Ep3?

    Eh. Yeah, I guess it makes sense. I guess I meant he has unique capabilites that they don't posess, you know? I had a few drinks last night, so the words didn't come out so well. About the Vorts though, I don't think the Gman is pushed around by them entirely. I think he could crush them if he...