Recent content by Gusdor

  1. G

    No Portal This Year - Lombardi

    I heard that there is a fairly big release in 2 days. Something about cars.
  2. G

    New Nuclear Dawn Media

    Getting tired of waiting. Besides, from what I hear this is still essentially vapourware.
  3. G

    Left 4 Dead Xbox 360 Revealed

    Still only 3:9 on the pros to cons list unfortunately.
  4. G

    Kotaku's Impressions of PS3 Orange Box

    Sounds sketchy, I'd rather play it on a Casio MX-8
  5. G

    Nuclear Dawn Weapons Update

    release it already
  6. G

    Official Changelog For Insurgency Beta 2

    If this is political correctness crap I will scream...
  7. G

    Half decent compile tool please...

    So, studiocompiler of cannonfodder fame doesnt seem to want to work with steam. Complains about a lack of steam ID - le sigh! Does anyone know where i can grab a copy that works as frankly, every other tool is a freeking eyesore. Thanks guys!
  8. G

    Lots of Half-Life still at Valve

    Am I the only person getting bored of knowing precious little about what is going on? Give us some closure. No one watches 'Lost' any more for a good reason...
  9. G

    Valve to Evaluate Episodic Approach

    But the SDK - at least the one we are using - and tools are pathetic
  10. G

    Decadence Mod Announced

    I would love to say it sounds fun but that press release really downt tell us much except that "its awesome and adrenaline shiznitz" - the story sounds nice, but for a MP game that lack of information is shabby at best. Whats your hook? Why am I going to play this over TF2 or Halo3? I know...
  11. G

    Mod is Dead - An Interview

    WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT... Take not project leaders - release your mod before this engine sparks out..
  12. G

    Steam P2P Files

    This is why I will be getting it on my xbox. Check your sound drivers
  13. G

    Goldeneye Source.

    Sure, I get that. A touch of stylization would have gone a long way. Something that lets me go 'ah, thats the goldeneye source rifle'.
  14. G

    Goldeneye Source.

    Ill be blunt. Chopper looks great, rifle is horribly generic
  15. G

    Insurgency Mod - PHL Interview
